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1、 居民的屬性不同會造成其生態旅遊認知和發展生態旅遊態度上的差異。
2、 經由相關分析檢定後發現,八卦山國家風景區的居民生態旅遊的四個認知因素構面與發展生態旅遊的三個態度構面間有顯著差異,均具有正相關,代表居民的生態旅遊認知程度愈高,則其對於發展生態旅遊的態度就愈積極。
3、 經由多元迴歸分析檢定後發現,在所有認知構面上「推動組織與規劃執行」部份對發展生態旅遊的各態度是最具影響力。
This study is to explore the relation between the residents’ perceptions of ecotourism and development attitudes toward ecotourism in Mt. Bagua Scenic Area and analyzing different residents’ backgrounds with different perceptions of ecotourism and attitudes toward development of ecotourism. The questionnaire applied in this study was modified from collected data and the questionnaire constructed by Hong chang-ming in 2004. We adopted Ratio sampling to survey the population and obtained 426 validsamples. According to the factor analysis, there are four aspects of ecotourism perceptions, including “Ecological conservation and Environmental Experiences”, “Organization for development and Execution of plans”, “Residents’ participation and Economic feedback”, and “Capacity of environment and Restrictions on using”. Besides, we also get three aspects of development attitudes, which are “Exploit nature resources and Advance in development”, “Participate actively and Enhance potentialities”, and “Consolidate management and Create opportunities”. After analyzing the data, we make some conclusions: 1、 Residents of different attributes have significant differences between the perceptions of ecotourism and attitudes toward development of ecotourism. 2、 By using Pearson’s correlation analysis, we find positive correlations between four aspects of residents’ ecotourism perceptions and three aspects of development attitudes toward ecotourism in Mt. Bagua Scenic Area. It means that the higher degree of ecotourism perceptions residents have, the more active their attitudes toward development of ecotourism will be. 3、 By using Multiple Regression analysis, we also find one aspect of ecotourism perceptions --“Organization for development and Execution of plans” is the strongest influence on all attitudes toward development of ecotourism. In conclusion, in order to promote the development of ecotourism and achieve the aim of a sustainable development in the future in Mt. Bagua Scenic Area, the executive authorities need to keep a constant communication with the residents. It is because that the residents’ perceptions and attitudes are a great factor of the success in developing tourism and sustainability. Therefore, education to the residents can make a significant contribution to promoting the ecotourism in the area.
This study is to explore the relation between the residents’ perceptions of ecotourism and development attitudes toward ecotourism in Mt. Bagua Scenic Area and analyzing different residents’ backgrounds with different perceptions of ecotourism and attitudes toward development of ecotourism. The questionnaire applied in this study was modified from collected data and the questionnaire constructed by Hong chang-ming in 2004. We adopted Ratio sampling to survey the population and obtained 426 validsamples. According to the factor analysis, there are four aspects of ecotourism perceptions, including “Ecological conservation and Environmental Experiences”, “Organization for development and Execution of plans”, “Residents’ participation and Economic feedback”, and “Capacity of environment and Restrictions on using”. Besides, we also get three aspects of development attitudes, which are “Exploit nature resources and Advance in development”, “Participate actively and Enhance potentialities”, and “Consolidate management and Create opportunities”. After analyzing the data, we make some conclusions: 1、 Residents of different attributes have significant differences between the perceptions of ecotourism and attitudes toward development of ecotourism. 2、 By using Pearson’s correlation analysis, we find positive correlations between four aspects of residents’ ecotourism perceptions and three aspects of development attitudes toward ecotourism in Mt. Bagua Scenic Area. It means that the higher degree of ecotourism perceptions residents have, the more active their attitudes toward development of ecotourism will be. 3、 By using Multiple Regression analysis, we also find one aspect of ecotourism perceptions --“Organization for development and Execution of plans” is the strongest influence on all attitudes toward development of ecotourism. In conclusion, in order to promote the development of ecotourism and achieve the aim of a sustainable development in the future in Mt. Bagua Scenic Area, the executive authorities need to keep a constant communication with the residents. It is because that the residents’ perceptions and attitudes are a great factor of the success in developing tourism and sustainability. Therefore, education to the residents can make a significant contribution to promoting the ecotourism in the area.
八卦山風景區, 生態旅遊, 認知, 態度, Mt. Bagua Scenic Area, Ecotourism, Perception, Attitude