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本研究旨在探討桃園縣國民中學各領域教師之全球議題知能與專業發展之現況,並探討教師全球議題知能與專業發展之關係。主要採問卷調查方式實施,以桃園縣國中教師為研究對象,根據文獻探討及相關實證之研究結果設計問卷,進行調查,最後將調查結果加以統計分析與討論。本研究結果發現如下幾點: 一、國中教師全球議題知能整體情況為中上程度,在「環境議題」向度表現最佳。 二、國中教師專業發展整體情形良好,在「教育專業精神」表現最佳。 三、國中教師依其不同背景變項在「全球議題知能」之差異性分析,得到「性別」、「年齡」、「服務年資」、「擔任職務」、「任教領域」、「學校規模」向度上有顯著差異存在。 四、國中教師依其不同背景變項在「專業發展」之差異性分析,得到「年齡」、「服務年資」、「專業背景」、「擔任職務」、「任教領域」、「學校所在地」、「學校規模」向度上有顯著差異存在。 五、桃園縣國中教師全球議題知能與教師專業發展之間呈現正相關,教師全球議題知能越佳,教師專業發展也越佳。 六、桃園縣國中教師全球議題知能對整體教師專業發展及專業發展各向度具有解釋力;且,教師專業發展對整體教師全球議題知能同樣具有解釋力。 最後,根據本研究資料分析的結果,歸納研究發現作為結論及提出具體建議,以供相關教育機關、國中教師及未來研究之參考。
This study aims to find out the current situation of the junior high school teachers’ global issue literacy and professional development and the relation between these two variables in Taoyuan County. The study is conducted with questionnaires designed on the basis of literature review and related empirical studies. The questionnaires were distributed to the junior high school teachers in Taoyuan County. Then the collected data were analyzed and discussed. The major findings are as the following: 1.The junior high school teachers in Taoyuan County is on degree of global issue literacy with the highest satisfaction in “environment issue.” 2.The junior high school teachers in Taoyuan County show high sense of teachers’ professional development with the highest satisfaction in “educational professionalism.” 3.The variance analysis of teachers’ global issue literacy shows that variables such as “gender”, ”age”, ”working years”, ”job title”, ”teaching domain”, and ”size of school” have significant differences. 4.The variance analysis of teachers’ professional development shows that variables such as “age”, ”working years”, ” specialized background”, ”job title”, ”teaching domain”, ”location of school”, and” size of school” have significant differences. 5.There is a positive correlation between teachers’ global issue literacy and teachers’ professional development, which means the better the teachers’ global issue literacy is, the better the teachers’ professional development is, and vice versa. 6.Teachers’ global issue literacy in Taoyuan County has explanation to the whole and all aspects of teachers’ professional development. And teachers’ professional development has explanation to the whole teachers’ professional development as well. Finally, according to the findings above, suggestions were given to the educational administrations, schools, teachers, and future research.



教師全球議題知能, 教師專業發展, teachers’ global issue literacy, teachers’ professional development

