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本研究之目的在瞭解新北市指導國小客家歌謠比賽音樂教師之自我效能及教學行為,並比較不同背景變項音樂教師於兩者之差異情形。 本研究兼採調查法及訪談法,以研究者自編之「新北市指導國小客家歌謠比賽音樂教師自我效能及教學行為調查問卷」及「新北市指導國小客家歌謠比賽音樂教師自我效能及教學行為訪談大綱」為研究工具,以九十九至一零二學年度曾指導新北市國小客家歌謠比賽音樂教師(N=28)為研究對象,實施問卷調查,再根據教師接受訪談之意願,進行個別訪談(N=5)。 從本研究結果得知,新北市國小客家歌謠教學現況為1.接受訪談教師之任教學校其客家歌謠比賽團隊多為學校合唱團,主要以公開甄選方式招募團員;2.客家歌謠教學方法與一般歌曲教學方法相近,一般課堂實施之客家歌謠教學教材為藝術與人文領域教科書,指導客家歌謠比賽教材則以教師補充教材為主;3.客家歌謠教學教師具有一般音樂教師知能,以有客語背景為佳,客語能力不足者則進行協同教學;行政支持度高對客家歌謠教學及比賽有所助益;4.在一般課堂實施客家歌謠教學可增加學生接觸多元文化音樂的機會,參加客家歌謠比賽則可以凝聚團隊向心力,增加學生表現機會;現有教材適合國小學童演唱之客家歌謠不足,教材未考量學生程度,亦非各年段皆選用客家歌謠,編選方式缺乏順序性及連貫性。新北市指導國小客家歌謠比賽之不同背景音樂教師在「不同學經歷」、「不同任教總年資」、「不同客語能力」、「是否為客語生活學校」無顯著差異,在「教師自我效能」、與「教師教學行為」有顯著關係。碩士學歷、一般型學校畢業、指導客家歌謠比賽經歷越久及非客語生活學校教師自我效能較佳;碩士學歷、一般型學校畢業、指導客家歌謠比賽經歷6-15年及非客語生活學校教師教學行為較佳。 最後,本研究依據研究結果,分別對學校行政、音樂教師、相關單位與未來研究提出建議。
The objective of this research is to investigate teacher self-efficacy and teaching behavior of music teachers selected from New Taipei city’s Hakkanese folk song competitions, comparing the effects under different backgrounds. Survey and interview are adopted during this research, ‘Questionnaire of the teacher self-efficacy and teaching btoohavior of music teachers selected from the New Taipei city’s Hakkanese folk song competitions’ and ‘Interview Outline of the teacher self-efficacy and teaching behavior of music teachers selected from the New Taipei city’s Hakkanese folk song competitions’ which are devised by the author are used as research instruments, while the research objectives are 28 music teachers selected from the New Taipei city’s Hakkanese folk song competitions from academic years 99 to 102. Furthermore, 5 individual interviews are conducted by teachers’ willingness. The research results are as following: 1.the interviewed teachers’ teams are the choirs in their schools, and team members are open recruited; 2.the teaching method for Hakkanese folk songs are similar to general music teaching, and the teaching contents for the Hakkanese folk song competitions are supplementary materials composed by teachers, while for general Hakkanese folk song teaching, textbooks in Arts& Humanities area are adopted; 3.teachers selected from Hakkanese folk song competitions should have better skills of both general music teaching and Hakka language, while collaborative teaching is adopted without Hakka language skills; Administrative supports also have positive influence on the team; 4.teaching Hakkanese folk songs in general music classroom will provide more chance for students to learn multicultural music, and joining Hakkanese folk song competitions can further strengthen the centripetal force of the team and increase opportunities for students’ performance. The existing textbooks for Hakkanese folk songs in elementary school lack order and continuity. Through the questionnaires, it is found that music teachers don’t have much differentiation in teacher self-efficacy and teaching behavior in learning experience, teaching experience, Hakka language skills and whether the school is Hakka language-living school; while different levels in teacher self-efficacy and teaching behavior have obviously positive correlation. Teachers who have master degree, graduated from general type school, have more experience in teaching Hakkanese folk song competitions and not a Hakka language-living school teacher are better on teacher self-efficacy. Teachers who have Master degree, graduated from general type school, have 6-15 years’ experience in teaching Hakkanese folk song competitions and not a Hakka language-living school teacher are better on teacher teaching behavior. Above all, suggestions are recommended according to the research results for school administration, music teachers, related units and future research.



教師自我效能, 教學行為, 客家歌謠比賽, 客家歌謠教學, Teacher self-efficacy, Teaching behaviors, Hakkanese folk song competitions, Hakkanese folk song teaching

