
dc.contributorChen, Hsueh-Chihen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Yi-Tingen_US
dc.description.abstractThere have been nearly two decades of empirical research on the application of mindfulness to parenting in foreign countries. However, there are few domestic studies on the relationship between mindfulness, self-compassion, mindful parenting, and well-being of primary caregivers, and the application of mindfulness to parenting groups. Research at this stage has shown that the higher the level of mindfulness and self-compassion, the more it can reduce the psychological pressure of the preschooler caregivers, improve the happiness of the preschooler caregivers, and improve the ability of mindful parenting. In addition, adult attachment continues the early parent-child attachment relationship, which will be passed on to the next generation. However, the interaction effects between different adult attachment, mindfulness, self-compassion, mindful parenting, and subjective well-being is unclear. Past research results suggest that enhancing personal mindfulness can restore the original insecure attachment pattern and become a learned secure attachment. Despite this, there have been fewer studies talking about repairing adult attachments with mindful parenting group interventions. Current research shows that the main benefit of mindful parenting group therapy intervention is to reduce the stress of preschooler caregivers, and it has mixed effects on improving the well-being of preschooler caregivers and reducing children's emotional and behavioral distress. Therefore, the purpose of this study is: 1. To understand the relationship among adult attachment, mindfulness, mindful parenting, self-compassion, and subjective well-being among preschooler caregivers; 2. To establish the theoretical basis for mindfulness-oriented MAP mindful parenting groups. There are two sub-studies in this study: Study 1 recruited 419 primary preschooler caregivers through online questionnaires for scale measurement and analyzed the correlation among related variables through structural equation model. The results show that the anxious attachment and avoidant attachment of preschooler caregivers reduce subjective well-being through the partial mediation of mindfulness; the anxious attachment and avoidant attachment of preschooler caregivers reduce mindful parenting through the complete mediation of mindfulness; the anxious attachment and avoidant attachment of primary caregivers, through reducing self-compassion, reducing emotional well-being, and reducing mindful parenting; Study 2 recruited 84 preschooler caregivers for 14 weeks, a total of 10 lessons of group intervention experimental research, to understand the effectiveness of the group, of which the experimental group was 51 members, and the control group consisted of 33 members. The results showed that after the intervention group, the experimental group was better than the control group in anxiety attachment, mindfulness, self-compassion, mindful parenting, and subjective well-being, but there was no difference in avoidance attachment and preschooler's emotional development. The results of this study will help preschooler’s family education centers to improve the effectiveness of group treatment when handling parent education groups and can promote the mental health of the preschooler caregivers, thereby improving the quality of parenting.en_US
dc.subjectmindful parenting groupen_US
dc.subjectpreschooler caregiversen_US
dc.subjectadult attachmenten_US
dc.subjectmindful parentingen_US
dc.subjectsubjective well-beingen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Factors Related to the Mindful Parenting and the Effectivensss of Mindful Parenting Group Intervention of Preschooler Caregiversen_US

