隱喻理論運用於產品設計之探討 -以燈飾為例

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隨著社會的進步與發展,產品的技術與機構層面趨於成熟穩定,產品的功能性也幾乎可以滿足我們的基本需求,同質性的商品更是層出不窮,為讓產品能夠從各種商品中脫穎而出,藉由隱喻理論實際運用於產品設計當中,激發設計師藉由隱喻的概念發想萃取出影響心理情感的隱喻造形特徵,使設計師可以依據構想之方向,發展出多款創新的產品造形,不但可以豐富產品的意念,亦能提昇產品的深度與訴求。 本研究在於探討隱喻理論應用在產品設計上,依據隱喻相關論述以及理論之研究,歸納出隱喻類型,並透過市面上隱喻產品的隱喻類型與能指所指的分析,建構出產品設計發想模式,後續藉由設計創作案的實際運用並進行驗證,試圖為產品設計找出最有效的隱喻創作方式。研究流程主要分成三個部分:(1)透過隱喻運用在產品造型上的文獻,進行整理歸納,建立隱喻手法類型之編碼。經歸納後劃分為十種隱喻類型以及三種情感層次。(2)蒐集市面上現有產品,透過專家鑑定,挑選運用隱喻手法的市售產品,根據隱喻類型與能指所指之分析,發現隱喻類型以「外觀」手法為最多;次多應用之隱喻類型為「無機」手法;使用最少的類型為「機能」手法。另外從情感層面來看,外觀、擬人、仿生、無機、符號屬於「本能層次」;機能、行為、情境屬於「行為層次」;象徵與文化屬於「反思層次」。(3)建立隱喻產品發想新模式,運作過程為先針對主體進行載體的聯想,聯想範圍包含三種情感思維層面底下的各種隱喻類型,再來從聯想物中進行組合的動作,並選擇載體,最後藉由載體與主體之間的相關性,運用在產品設計上。 本創作結果運用隱喻發想模式,設計隱喻燈飾,依據創作過程與成果進行發想模式之驗證並綜合研究論述,總結歸納出主要結論:(1)情感思維層次理論與隱喻類型有相互之關係架構;(2)發現隱喻應用在產品設計上,會隨著隱喻類型之不同,對於產品亦產生不同的實質功能與效果;(3)隱喻發想模式針對隱喻的運作,即載體轉移至主體之過程,將之應用在設計創作上。期間強調從主體先進行聯想,並重視載體與主體之間的關聯性,使設計過程中發展出更具體、更深入的設計構想,同時可令發想過程更透明,讓構想有跡可循。
With the continuous progress and development of our society, technical and institutional aspects of products are becoming more mature and stabilized, their functionality meets nearly most of our basic needs. Similar products in the market abounds, and to make your product stand out from the rest, the application of metaphoric concept to product design inspires the designer to come up with something that possesses metaphoric characteristics with an emotional impact, thereby allowing designers to develop even more innovative products and designs in this direction. Not only does this enrich the concept, but also enhance the product’s depth and appeal. This study will explore the metaphor theory as applied to product design and, based on related discussions and research,classify the types of metaphor as well as construct a creative paradigm in designing a product, through the analysis of the types of metaphor-induced product designs available in the market and its signifier and signified. As a follow-up, this study will attempt to find the most effective creative process in metaphoric design through the practical application of the creative design process. The research procedure is divided into three parts: (1) Organize, conclude, and establish an encoding for metaphoric techniques, which is classified into ten kinds of metaphors and three levels of processing. (2) Gather a collection of products available in the market, through evaluation from experts, sift out a selection of commercially available products employing the metaphor concept in their design. In the process of analyzing the signifier and signified based on the types of metaphors, it is discovered that majority of the designs use the “Visual Metaphor” approach; second is the “Inorganic Metaphor” approach; and the least used method is the “Functional Metaphor” approach. In addition, from an emotional point of view, mere appearance, personification, biomimetics, inorganic, and signs, all belong to the “visceral level”; functionality and behavior belong to the “behavioral level”. (3) Establish a new paradigm for metaphorical product design, the initial steps in the procedure will be aimed at the association between tenor and vehicle. The scope of association includes all types of metaphors under the three levels of processing, select the vehicle, until finally, through the correlation between the tenor and the vehicle, apply it to the product design. The result of this research is the creation of a lighting fixture that employs the use of the metaphorical paradigm, with the execution of the creative method and substantiation based on the creative process, which are then subjected to a comprehensive study and discussion to reach the following main conclusions: (1) that there is a framework for the mutual relationship between the theory of emotional level and the types of metaphor (2) it is concluded that, different types of metaphors will generate different functions and effects when applied to product design. (3) in carrying out and applying the use of metaphors in the creative process, the process of transferring from vehicle to tenor is applied to the creative process. In the course of this, it is emphasized that association is carried out first from the tenor, putting importance on the correlation between the tenor and the vehicle to develop a more specific and in-depth design concept, while at the same time making the process more transparent, so that an effective paradigm can be extracted from the creative process.



隱喻, 產品設計, 燈飾, metaphor, product design, lighting





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