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臺灣教會聚會所(The Local Churches in Taiwan),屬於廣義基督教(Christianity)中 最晚形成的新教(Protestant)派別,源自於倪柝聲(Watchman Nee)於1922年開始中國人自 發性的基督教運動,倪氏被認為是第一位對西方基督徒具有影響力的中國基督徒,今有 上千萬甚至無數的基督徒受到他思想的影響,而倪柝聲之傳承人李常受(Witness Lee ,1905-1997)於1949年來臺,成為奠定臺灣眾召會的關鍵人物,全球眾召會已散布在全 球六大洲,涵蓋各國家、各民族、各語言、各文化,至今(2012年)在臺灣已成為第二多 人數的基督徒團體,僅次於有一百四十多年之久歷史的臺灣長老教會。
基督教和音樂的關係相當密切,運用音樂是與神接觸方式之一,而因著不同的信仰 內容與價值而有不同的模式。本研究以文獻、訪談及參與法,研究方向分為三個部分: 一、臺灣教會聚會所起源與發展,二、音樂現況,三、詩歌音樂研究;透過實際訪查教 會聚會所,了解其詩歌與信仰上的互動內涵,此外分析其詩歌特色以及與其他教會之相 同性,透過研究者之觀察與研究,了解音樂現況與其信仰堅持關聯性。
研究發現就音樂的功能性而言,在教會聚會所中,詩歌扮演著教育聖徒的角色,同 時為儀式禱告內容的根據,而教會聚會所的聚會模式也影響司琴多以吉他為主,此外信 仰價值中重視聖經真理的追求,也反應在聚會儀式與音樂的互動內涵中。
Abstract The local churches in Taiwan belongs to Protestant, the last faction formed in Christianity. It originated in 1922 when Watchman Nee brought Christianity into China. He is believed to be the first influential Chinese to Western Christianity and even till now, many are still affected by his teachings. His successor, Witness Lee became a prominent figure in local churches in Taiwan back in 1949. Protestant Church is currently the second most populated Christian faction, with the oldest historical background of over 140 years, the Presbyterian Church in the first place. The Protestant Church now spreads over six continents in the world and covers all countries, ethnic groups, languages and cultures. Christianity and music share a close relationship, and music is usually present in many churches’ events. The methodology conducted in this research include literature analytic method, interview and participant observation. The three directives are namely the origins and development of local churches in Taiwan, current happenings in the music arena and researching on poetry and music. By involving and interacting with the local churches’ activities, an analysis is done on music poetry and the characteristics of churches for similarities. Through the author’s observation and research, an relationship is drawn between the current happenings in music and faith in Christianity. Research has shown that poetry music serves as a major function in local churches such as education and prayer for the followers. Due to the modus of local churches’ gatherings and the pursuit of truth in faith, the performance of music may be affected and influenced as a result.
Abstract The local churches in Taiwan belongs to Protestant, the last faction formed in Christianity. It originated in 1922 when Watchman Nee brought Christianity into China. He is believed to be the first influential Chinese to Western Christianity and even till now, many are still affected by his teachings. His successor, Witness Lee became a prominent figure in local churches in Taiwan back in 1949. Protestant Church is currently the second most populated Christian faction, with the oldest historical background of over 140 years, the Presbyterian Church in the first place. The Protestant Church now spreads over six continents in the world and covers all countries, ethnic groups, languages and cultures. Christianity and music share a close relationship, and music is usually present in many churches’ events. The methodology conducted in this research include literature analytic method, interview and participant observation. The three directives are namely the origins and development of local churches in Taiwan, current happenings in the music arena and researching on poetry and music. By involving and interacting with the local churches’ activities, an analysis is done on music poetry and the characteristics of churches for similarities. Through the author’s observation and research, an relationship is drawn between the current happenings in music and faith in Christianity. Research has shown that poetry music serves as a major function in local churches such as education and prayer for the followers. Due to the modus of local churches’ gatherings and the pursuit of truth in faith, the performance of music may be affected and influenced as a result.
倪柝聲, 李常受, 地方教會, 召會, 基督徒, 教會聚會所, Watchman Nee, Witness Lee, Local church, Church, Christian