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The purposes of this research were to develop a technological literacy test for junior high students, and further to analyze students’ performances and differences. This study also constructed a model of students’ attitudes toward technology and technology learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, competencies). The technological literacy test was developed according to the technology curriculum of 12-year compulsory education. A questionnaire survey was conducted and sent to the ninth grade students of public junior high schools in Taiwan, receiving 2192 valid questionnaires with a return rate of 98.16%. Factor analysis, spearman correlation coefficient, and structural equation modeling were utilized, and the following conclusions are made: (1) The technological literacy test developed in this research had excellent reliability and validity. (2) The technological literacy performance of junior high students is not in an accepted situation, we need to enhance students’ technological literacy. (3) The attitudes toward technology of junior high students is optimistic. However, students’ interest of technology should be raised, especially the willness of working in the technology fields. (4) Male students have better attitudes toward technology than female students, but no difference in the performance of technology learning outcomes. (5) Informaleducation needs to be used to help students improve the attitudes toward technology, and to improve students’ technology learning outcomes through formal education. (6) The attitudes toward technology has slight effect on technology learning outcomes.
The purposes of this research were to develop a technological literacy test for junior high students, and further to analyze students’ performances and differences. This study also constructed a model of students’ attitudes toward technology and technology learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, competencies). The technological literacy test was developed according to the technology curriculum of 12-year compulsory education. A questionnaire survey was conducted and sent to the ninth grade students of public junior high schools in Taiwan, receiving 2192 valid questionnaires with a return rate of 98.16%. Factor analysis, spearman correlation coefficient, and structural equation modeling were utilized, and the following conclusions are made: (1) The technological literacy test developed in this research had excellent reliability and validity. (2) The technological literacy performance of junior high students is not in an accepted situation, we need to enhance students’ technological literacy. (3) The attitudes toward technology of junior high students is optimistic. However, students’ interest of technology should be raised, especially the willness of working in the technology fields. (4) Male students have better attitudes toward technology than female students, but no difference in the performance of technology learning outcomes. (5) Informaleducation needs to be used to help students improve the attitudes toward technology, and to improve students’ technology learning outcomes through formal education. (6) The attitudes toward technology has slight effect on technology learning outcomes.
科技素養, 科技知識, 科技態度, 科技技能, 科技能力, technological literacy, technology knowledge, attitudes toward technology, technology skills, technology competencies