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Ya-Hui Kao
Ting-Ming Lai
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Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
本研究旨在探討大學工友在何種情境下會意識到需要資訊,這些常被視為資訊貧乏的人,實際的資訊世界又是如何?收入較低的大學工友能從有用的資訊來源中獲得 幫助嗎?研究採取質性研究方法,以世新大學員額編制內外十五位工友為研究對象,以深入訪談法及小型問卷蒐集研究資料,探究大學工友在日常生活中面臨的問 題、需要利用的資訊、獲取資訊的方式、資訊尋求行為的特性、影響其資訊使用的因素等。研究結果顯示,本研究的大學工友在日常生活中面臨包括生活、工作、社 會環境等面向的問題,工友在生理、情感方面的資訊需求大於認知方面的資訊需求。工友平均年齡超過50歲,年齡越大,越注重身體健康,養生資訊是常見的聊天 話題,所以比較重視健康、養生藥膳等實用、生活化的資訊。此外,工友獲取資訊的方式偏好大眾傳播媒體與人際管道,影響其資訊使用的因素可從個人因素、訊息 因素、資訊來源因素、環境因素方面了解。本文擬從上述層面,勾勒出大學工友資訊生活的面貌。
This paper reports an investigation on information behavior of janitors in Shih Hsin University. The empirical data were collected via in-depth interview with 15 individual janitors from Shih Hsin University and were analyzed using grounded theory approach. The author explores and discusses the findings based on the major results of information behavior among the janitors under study, including the diverse problem situations, the information needs of janitors, multiple sources of information, the characteristics of information behavior, and influential factors of information use.
This paper reports an investigation on information behavior of janitors in Shih Hsin University. The empirical data were collected via in-depth interview with 15 individual janitors from Shih Hsin University and were analyzed using grounded theory approach. The author explores and discusses the findings based on the major results of information behavior among the janitors under study, including the diverse problem situations, the information needs of janitors, multiple sources of information, the characteristics of information behavior, and influential factors of information use.