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本論文研究目的在探討過敏性鼻炎兒童醫療遵從行為與其相關因素。以中部某醫學中心過敏性鼻炎兒童及其父母為研究對象,共得有效樣本136人。主要結果如下: 一、兒童醫療遵從行為,在兒童自我報告及其父母協同報告整體得分皆偏高且兩者具一致性。而在鼻阻力改善率方面,有改善只佔29.4%,疾病治療結果上改善不明顯。 二、過敏性鼻炎兒童父母疾病認知偏高。自我效能偏正向,其中「依醫囑用藥自我效能」把握程度高於「居家生活控制自我效能」。醫病互動關係亦偏正向。 三、影響過敏性鼻炎兒童醫療遵從行為相關因素為:年齡、父母親教育程度、家庭社經地位、父母疾病認知、父母自我效能及父母醫病互動關係。年齡小、父母專科大學以上、中高社經地位其醫療遵從行為較佳。父母疾病認知、自我效能、醫病互動與醫療遵從行為呈顯著正相關。 四、年齡、父母親教育程度、家庭社經地位、父母疾病認知、父母自我效能及父母醫病互動關係對過敏性鼻炎兒童「整體醫療遵從行為」的預測力為35%,其中「自我效能」是最有力的預測因子。
The purpose of this study was to explore the medical adherence behavior and associated factors of children with allergic rhinitis. Purposive sampling was used to recruit 136 allergic rhinitis children and their parents from the outpatient department of hospitals in central Taiwan. The main results are as follows: 1.About level of medical adherence behavior of allergic rhinitis children self reports and their parents reports were high. And both showed significant positive correlation. For treatment outcome survey, there was only 29.4% Improvement in Nasal resistance (nPEFR). 2.Allergic rhinitis children’s parents in knowledge score were in high level. They had positive self-efficacy, the more confidence in medicine adherence than life style adherence. They client-professional interaction also tend to positive. 3.The factors associated with the children adherence behavior were age,parents education status, family's social/economic status, parents allergic rhinitis knowledge, self-efficacy and client-professional interaction. The subjects has better adherence behavior when subject’s age under 9 years,parents education level above collage, middle-to-high family's social/economic status. Parents allergic rhinitis knowledge, self-efficacy and client-professional interaction with adherence behavior had positive correlation. 4.「age」、「parents education status」、「family's social/ economic status」、「parents allergic rhinitis knowledge」、「parents self-efficacy」、「parents client-professional interaction」can explain 35% of variance of allergic rhinitis children’s overall adherence behavior, and「self-efficacy」was the best prediciting factor.



醫療遵從行為, 過敏性鼻炎, 兒童, Adherence Behavior, Allergic Rhinitis, Children





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