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本研究旨在開發了微型的交流磁導儀,將現今的交流磁導儀做微 型化改善設計,縮短了接收線圈與量測樣品間的距離,提高系統磁場 感測靈敏度,應用於微量液態磁性樣品檢測有非常好的表現。本系統 由梯度式接收線圈,搭配激發線圈、訊號產生器及鎖相放大器所組成。 利用微型激發線圈產生交流磁化磁場,使用兩個獨立的微型接收線圈 接收樣品的交流磁訊號,接收線圈以梯度形式設計,用以降低環境雜 訊干擾,並使用微流道來控制樣品進出。本研究開發之微型交流磁導 儀,可以量測一倍頻與三倍頻訊號,可量測到最低含鐵量約為 3.31 ng。
In this study, an AC susceptometer was designed for detecting the magnetic moment of different particle sizes of magnetic nanoparticle. The property of magnetic nanoparticles was characterized by observing the measurement results. The synthesis of magnetic samples is difficult. Therefore, we developed a miniature ac susceptometer to reduce the demand of samples. This ac susceptometer system is consisted of an excitation coil and a pair of gradient receiving coils. When an alternating current is passing through the excitation coil, AC magnetic field is generated and the magnetic signal from samples is detected by gradient coils. The interference of environmental noise would be decreased by using gradient receiving coils. In order to manipulate the flow of sample, a microfluidic chip and injector were employed to adjust the position of magnetic fluid. The detecting volume of our ac susceptometer is about 6 μL. Form the low concentration experiment, the ac susceptometer reaches a high detection sensitivity of iron content of 3.31 ng. The miniature AC susceptometer will be applied for the biomedical detection with biofunctionalized magnetic particles in the near future.
In this study, an AC susceptometer was designed for detecting the magnetic moment of different particle sizes of magnetic nanoparticle. The property of magnetic nanoparticles was characterized by observing the measurement results. The synthesis of magnetic samples is difficult. Therefore, we developed a miniature ac susceptometer to reduce the demand of samples. This ac susceptometer system is consisted of an excitation coil and a pair of gradient receiving coils. When an alternating current is passing through the excitation coil, AC magnetic field is generated and the magnetic signal from samples is detected by gradient coils. The interference of environmental noise would be decreased by using gradient receiving coils. In order to manipulate the flow of sample, a microfluidic chip and injector were employed to adjust the position of magnetic fluid. The detecting volume of our ac susceptometer is about 6 μL. Form the low concentration experiment, the ac susceptometer reaches a high detection sensitivity of iron content of 3.31 ng. The miniature AC susceptometer will be applied for the biomedical detection with biofunctionalized magnetic particles in the near future.
交流磁化率, 磁流體, 微流道, AC susceptibility, magnetic nanoparticle, microfluidic chip