

知識經濟的時代,企業為維持競爭力將數位學習(e-Learning)視為現今加速人才培訓的途徑。目前正值台灣傳統訓練與數位學習謀合的時期,相關單位推展數位學習的同時,也提出數位學習的管理人才對於數位學習的推行佔有相當的需求與重要性。本研究即選擇掌管和負責組織數位學習專案的管理人才─「數位學習專案經理人」作為探究對象,希冀根據台灣企業之需求找出該人員所需的專業能力內涵,並將結果提供給有關營運或培訓單位作為參考。 本研究透過文獻分析蒐集國內外的相關個案及專業能力標準,找出數位學習專案經理人專業能力的主要範圍,並針對經濟部工業局所認可的 10 家推行數位學習有成的標竿企業進行訪談,以了解其對數位學習專案經理人專業能力的需求,最後邀請數位學習實務專家(3位)、營運單位(6位)及數位學習產業單位代表(4位),進行四回合德懷術問卷調查。調查及訪談結果如下: 1.數位學習專案經理人之四大專業能力,重要程度依次為分析需求能力、專案管理能力、評鑑能力及規劃方案能力,其中包含 17 項主要能力內涵、65 項細部能力。 2.目前數位學習專案經理人以兼職居多,但將隨企業發展需求,將因其專業技能與專責的心力能促進數位學習專案效能逐漸受到企業組織重視與肯定,並期望其背景來源以擁有人力資源與數位學習背景者為佳數位學習專案經理人之人選。 此外根據上述結果,本研究亦於研究中針對培訓單位、企業組織及現職數位學習專案推動人員提陳有關建議。
The research was aimed to explore the professional competencies of the e-Learning project manager(e-PMer). It would contribute to the relevant training organization on design course and competency analysis for developing or recruiting e-PMer. Firstly, the literature review was to explore the required skills and characteristics of the e-PMer to obtain the profile of the characteristics and competency structure. The content validity of the Delphi questionnaire survery was reviewed by 10 e-Learning experts. A total of 13 e-Learning professional, experts, and educators were invitied to participate in the Delphi survey process. After four rounds of Delphi survey, the major findings of the Study were as bellows. 1. The professional competency of the e-PMer includes 4 aspects, 17 feature items and 65 detail items. 2. According to the interviewing results, experts thought the future trend is that enterprises would gradually hire the e-PMer with human resource development and e-Learning professional background. Besides, they declare if the organization is big enough to hire an e-PMer, those benefits he or she can bring to it would be list as below, (1) The e-PMer with human resource development and e-Learning subject background can get into organization culture and grasp the organization demand efficiently. It is also helpful for organization to combine traditional training and e-Learning rapidly. (2) Relying on e-PMer’s understanding of organization and his e-Learning professional ability, it’s helpful for promoting the communication between organization and consultant positively, and accelerating the effect and efficiency of e-Learning project. Besides, the thesis offers some suggestions for training unit, organization, and researcher.



數位學習, 專案經理, 專業能力, 德懷術, e-Learning, project manager, professional competency, Delphi technique





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