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本研究的目的是在推估我國未來五年中,整個社會對諮商心理師人力的需求,作為未來人力規劃與培訓計畫的參考。研究方法,包括:1.編製「諮商心理師培育機構調查表」,蒐集20所諮商心理師培育機構的意見;2.編製「心理師執業機構調查表」,蒐集225所心理師執業機構的意見;3.以「諮商心理師執業現況問卷」蒐集218位諮商心理師的意見,藉以進行人力供需推估。研究結果顯示: 1.估計國內約有460名專職諮商心理師及85名兼職諮商心理師,女性為男性的3.7倍;2.有78.9% 的諮商心理師以學校為執業場所;3.諮商心理師的服務對象中,成人佔61.67%,兒童青少年佔37.03%,絕大多數的個案需要藉由機構安排;4.現有20所培育諮商心理師的相關研究所, 在學諮商心理學程碩士班研究生約有959名,估計每年培育250至300名諮商心理師,五年之後大約有1,500名諮商心理師投入就業市場;5. 培育機構、執業機構與受訪諮商心理師推估每一萬人口應有諮商心理師6至8人。最後,本研究除了討論研究結果的含意,並對培育機構、執業機構、諮商心理師、衛生主管機關以及未來研究提出建議。
The purpose of the study was to assess the manpower supply and demand of counseling psychologists in Taiwan. Three groups of subjects were invited to complete questionnaires, including: 1.Twenty counseling related department chairs or their designates; 2.Two hundreds and twenty five mental health program directors or their designates; 3.Two hundreds and eighteen licensed counseling psychologists. Results of the study are: 1.It is estimated there are 460 full-time practicing counseling psychologists and 85 part-time practicing counseling psychologists in Taiwan; Gender ratio between female and male counseling psychologists is 3.7:1; 2.Of the 218 counseling psychologists who parcipated in this study, 78.9% of them work primarily in school settings; 3.Counseling psychologists serve mostly adults (61.67%) and child/adolescents (37.03%); 4. There are about 959 masters graduate students currently attending 20 counseling psychology related graduate schools in Taiwan, it is estimated that 250 to 300 students will become counseling psychologists every year, and these 20 counseling psychology related graduate schools will supply about 1,500 counseling psychologists in five years; 5.Current research parcipants estimate there should have 6-8 counseling psychologists for each 10,000 population. Discussions of the research findings and training implications, and suggestions for future study are also presented in this paper.
The purpose of the study was to assess the manpower supply and demand of counseling psychologists in Taiwan. Three groups of subjects were invited to complete questionnaires, including: 1.Twenty counseling related department chairs or their designates; 2.Two hundreds and twenty five mental health program directors or their designates; 3.Two hundreds and eighteen licensed counseling psychologists. Results of the study are: 1.It is estimated there are 460 full-time practicing counseling psychologists and 85 part-time practicing counseling psychologists in Taiwan; Gender ratio between female and male counseling psychologists is 3.7:1; 2.Of the 218 counseling psychologists who parcipated in this study, 78.9% of them work primarily in school settings; 3.Counseling psychologists serve mostly adults (61.67%) and child/adolescents (37.03%); 4. There are about 959 masters graduate students currently attending 20 counseling psychology related graduate schools in Taiwan, it is estimated that 250 to 300 students will become counseling psychologists every year, and these 20 counseling psychology related graduate schools will supply about 1,500 counseling psychologists in five years; 5.Current research parcipants estimate there should have 6-8 counseling psychologists for each 10,000 population. Discussions of the research findings and training implications, and suggestions for future study are also presented in this paper.
諮商心理師, 人力供需推估, 心理師法, counseling psychologist, manpower supply and demand, psychologist licensure act