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鼻笛,是臺灣原住民傳統樂器之一。在文獻記載中,使用鼻笛的族群有鄒族、排灣族、泰雅族、布農族、賽夏族、卑南族等,從清代至日治時期皆有文獻及照片說明鄒族使用鼻笛樂器,然而在戰後,記載鼻笛的資料日漸稀少,樂器的使用沒有被流傳下來,如今在族群中已找不到曾經看過鄒族傳統鼻笛的族人。本文的研究方法以鄒族傳統樂器文獻記載為出發點,透過文獻探討、田野調查、人物探訪及實際操作,並調閱臺灣博物館中日治時期典藏的鄒族傳統鼻笛文物,向館內申請鄒族鼻笛(peingu no ngūcū )典藏品之入庫研究,進行鄒族鼻笛的典藏品測量形制規格,逐一詳細紀錄、分類形制,再進行實際吹奏部分,以書面文字與拍攝錄音錄影的方式,讓傳統鼻笛的聲音能更清楚的記載,並作為鄒族鼻笛製作的指標。而後嘗試復刻出鄒族傳統鼻笛,以復刻鼻笛與新制鼻笛,研究兩者在吹奏傳統歌謠與新創鼻笛歌謠之差異,以達到傳統鼻笛與現代鼻笛相異的比較性,也希望透過這些研究,能夠進一步的探討探討社會功能及文化中象徵的含義,達到在社會變遷及傳統文化衝擊之下如何保有傳統鼻笛,把鄒族一度失傳的傳統樂器,再次紀錄並傳承下去。
Nose-flute, is a traditional musical instrument of Taiwanese indigenes. According to references, it is played by several tribes such as Tsou, Paiwan, Atayal, Bunun, Saisiyat and Puyuma etc. The references and pictures of Taiwanese indigenes playing nose-flute are recorded in the duration from Qing dynasty to Japanese-occupied period. However, information of Tsou's nose-flute is increasingly scarce after wars. The skills were failed to be practiced by new generations. Even worse, there are extremely rare people who have seen Tsou's nose-flute between tribes nowadays. This thesis refers to papers of peingu no ngūcū, also known as Tsou's traditional Nose-flute. Additionally, the research methods include filedwork, interviews and instrument practicing. Author studies the nose-flute collections which collected from Japanese-occupied period in National Taiwan Museum. These collections were sorted by sizes and forms. The objectives of this paper are to record the sound of the nose-flute in references and videos as an instruction of nose-flute production, and therefore to remake the original nose-flute to compare the original and modern nose-flute. To compare the original and modern nose-flute, traditional and new songs of nose-flute were practiced. Furthermore, using the research methods mentioned above, this thesis is expected to be a contribution for studies of nose-flute’s social function and meaning of symbol in culture in future. With this paper, the method of producing traditional nose-flute and the knowledge of playing can be kept on record and not be lost in the future.



鄒族, 鼻笛, 臺灣博物館典藏文物, peingu no ngʉcʉ, Tsou, Nose-flute, Collections in National Taiwan Museum





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