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本研究旨在探討健檢族群代謝症候群不同危險因子患者健康促進生活型態,及其與個人背景因素,健康行為自我效能,健康行為利益、健康行為障礙及自覺健康狀態的關係,並找出影響採取健康促進生活型態的主要因素。本研究為橫斷式調查法,以台北市某醫學中心的健檢族群代謝症候群患者為研究對象,利用自填式結構問卷進行資料的收集,包括健康促進生活型態量表,健康行為利益與健康行為障礙量表,健康行為自我效能量表,自覺健康狀態量表及基本資料。問卷先經內在一致性,再測信度,內容效度與建構效度之檢定,施測後獲得有效問卷138份。 研究結果顯示: 1. 健檢族群代謝症候群不同危險因子患者之健康促進生活型態的6個層面中,分數由高而低依序為人際支持、自我實現、營養、壓力處理及健康責任,而運動為最低。 2. 研究對象的健康促進生活型態和健康行為自我效能、自覺行動利益、自覺健康狀況呈顯著正相關,與自覺行動障礙呈現負相關。其中健康行為自我效能愈高者、自覺健康狀況愈好者,自覺行動障礙越低和自覺行動利益越高者,其健康促進生活型態的執行愈佳。 3. 研究對象健康促進生活型態可由健康行為自我效能、自覺行動效益和年齡等變項有效的來預測,可解釋健康促進生活型態的變異量為 76.4%,其中以健康行為自我效能最有預測能力。 最後,依據研究結果針對衛生教育及健康促進方針提出建議,以作為提升代謝症候群患者健康促進生活型態的參考及將來可能的研究方向。
This study was aimed at analyzing the relationship between health- promoting lifestyles and factors including self-efficacy, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and perceived health status and determining the major predictor of health-promoting lifestyles. A cross-sectional design was chosen, data was collected by self-reported questionnaires that include: health-promoting lifestyle profile, perceived benefits scale, perceived barriers scale, self-rated abilities for practices scale and general health perception subscale.The internal consistency, test-retest reliability, content validity, and construct validity of questionnaires were evaluated. After the evaluation, 138 copies of questionnaire were retrieved. The results showed that : 1. The six aspects of health-promoting can be sorted into the following descending order according to scores: interpersonal support, self-realization, nutrition, pressure handling, health responsibility, and exercise. 2. Health-promoting lifestyles were significantly correlated with self-efficacy, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and perceived health status. Subjects with higher level of self-efficacy, perceived benefit, perceived health status and lower level of perceived barriers scored higher in health-promoting lifestyle profiles. 3. 76.4% of variance in the health-promoting lifestyle profile could be effectively predicted by self-efficacy, perceived benefits, and age. Among the factors, self-efficacy was the major predictor. According to the results in this study, suggestions on health education and health promotion guide were made to help develop health-promoting lifestyles among subjects with metabolic syndrome.



代謝症候群, 健康促進生活型態, 健康行為自我效能, 健康行為利益, 健康行為障礙, 自覺健康狀況, Metabolic Syndrome, Health-Promoting Lifestyles, self-efficacy, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, perceived health status





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