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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education


本研究乃「運用社區組織策略促進社區居民參與環境行為之介入研究」的社區組 織發展部分,係採取參與式行動研究法,並運用社區組織策略來強化社區組織之功能。 期 盼在研究過程中與社區一起工作,能逐步強化社區內之自發力量,使組織化後之社區能發展 出日後自行主導、運作的功能,而持續推動社區中更多、更豐富的居民共同參與的環境行動 。本研究之社區組織為台北市大安區民輝社區發展協會,共有 22 位理監事,其男女,性別 比例約為 3:4,年餘層分布以 41-50 歲居多,職業類別多為中上階層。本研究經過「社區 組織功能診所及需求評估」、「建立社區組織網絡及擬定社區工作計畫」、「整合社區資源 及執行社區工作計畫」、「成果檢討與評價」四個階段的介入過程,研究結果顯示,組織在 研究介入後行動力增加,組織成員對「組織內部運作」及「成員與組織約互動」之評價均為 中上程度。尤其對團體合作及領導者的角色方面給予高度評價。在組織與社區資源聯結方面 ,合作之組織由介入前的 3 個組織擴展為 21 個,比介入前有長足之進步。 約有六成的組 織成員認為協會推動資源回收工作使社區環境更整潔、提升了居民對社區的認同感與關心。 約五成四的組織成員認為協會推動資源回收工作使居民參與社區的資源回收工作由被動轉為 主動。此外,民輝社區之居民在介入活動後,在「垃圾分類、資源回收」為主題之環境行動 的參與上,的確達到顯著提升的立即效果(此一部份的詳細內容將另文發表)。
The purpose of this study is to empower the function of an organization in a community-based setting within the Taipei City. The organization is a self-directed organization and its members are consisted of lay leaders in its community. The theoretical model of the research is based on Brown's model of community organization. The study is designed in a Participatory-Action-Research Approach (PARA). Ming-Hu is a small-sized, urban area community with around 5000 households, which is fitted the research criteria and therefore was selected for the study. The main strategies used in this intervention study are included: the diagnosis and needs assessment for the community organization and the coalition for the community resources. There were both qualitative and quantitative data been collected. The qualitative data collected by the indepth interviews of 22 lay leaders in the core organization. The paper documents of the organization, the meeting records among the lay leaders, the observational records, tapes, and research's working dairy are also used as part of the qualitative data. The quantitative data collected by a structure-ended questionnaire, which was used to evaluate the outcome of the organizational functions among the lay leaders. Major results are as follows: The community actions of the self-directed organization have become more powerful after the intervention. From the results of the structure-ended questionnaire, "the function of the organizational internal system" "the function of the interactive among the system and its members", "the team cooperative atmosphere" and "the function of the leader's role" have shown significantly enhanced. After the intervention stage, the organization expands its network system significantly. Its coalition units from 3 to 22. And nearly half of the 22 community resource organizations have already established the cooperative relationship with the community core organization based on a "mutual beneficial relationship" an







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