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本篇論文創作研究首要分為「實體」與「心理」兩個層面探討,實體面指的是歷史、建築、材料,心理面指的包括情感、文化、表現手法,呈現在可見表象的樣態與個體感知的表述。前段文獻整理的部分使用上述兩個層面為核心,以近一百五十年間的時間為範圍,從歐美勾劃到台灣本地,搜索出六位藝術家: 郁特里羅(Maurice Utrillo, 1883-1955)、霍普(Edward Hopper, 1882-1967)、伊斯特司(Richard Estes, 1932-)、勞生柏(Robert Rauschenberg, 1925-2008)、吳政璋(1965-)、陳建榮(1972-),進行對城市繪畫、創作的論述與社會背景、藝術家生命經驗,做關係分析、串連比較和綜合討論;中段是筆者個人創作主題與對筆者有啟發與影響的文獻觀念或視覺表現的整體脈絡整理與解析,以文佐圖釐清筆者的概念形成之路線與轉折;後段為筆者瞄準「城市巷弄的混雜景觀」為題的創作論述、媒材技法紀錄與個別作品詳述,說明作品與現實環境間對象物的關係轉譯,與創作手法加乘媒材實踐達成「模糊性」、「混雜性」運用之方法敘述。
Most of the author’s life experience has been accumulated in the Greater Taipei Area, Taiwan. This metropolitan area is like a large, rich, strange, concave and convex melting pot. Every corner has its interesting details. Therefore, the study was based on the hybrid spectacle of the city lanes to explore the surface of the city and the people’s daily lives inside the city from multiple perspectives, and translated them into the personal art works. The thesis is mainly divided into two aspects:"substantial" and "psychological". The substantive aspect refers to history, architecture, and materials. The psychological aspect refers to emotion, culture, and expressive methods, which are presented in a visible form. In the literature review, over the 150 years six artists, Maurice Utrillo(1883-1955), Edward Hopper (1882-1967), Richard Estes(1932-), Robert Rauschenberg(1925-2008), Wu Cheng-Chang(1965-), Chen Chien-Jung(1972-), from Europe and the United States to Taiwan were discussed, using the above mentioned two core perspectives. The author analyzed and compared the relationship among their social backgrounds, life experiences of urban painting and creation. The middle section of the thesis is an overall arrangement related to the analysis, interpretation, and inspiration of the author’s previous works. The last part of the thesis aims at interpreting statements, materials, and detailed descriptions of the author’s individual works with regard to “hybrid spectacle in city lanes”. Through the thread of literature review and the textual sources of the author’s work, the phased works are made, deriving from appearance and traces of the author’s living place. The characteristics and the emotion of this place temporarily have left a daily and hybrid posture in the works. These works are the epitomes of the city. To probe deep into the future work, the author will try to create the epitomes of the coming city by the more mature statements.
Most of the author’s life experience has been accumulated in the Greater Taipei Area, Taiwan. This metropolitan area is like a large, rich, strange, concave and convex melting pot. Every corner has its interesting details. Therefore, the study was based on the hybrid spectacle of the city lanes to explore the surface of the city and the people’s daily lives inside the city from multiple perspectives, and translated them into the personal art works. The thesis is mainly divided into two aspects:"substantial" and "psychological". The substantive aspect refers to history, architecture, and materials. The psychological aspect refers to emotion, culture, and expressive methods, which are presented in a visible form. In the literature review, over the 150 years six artists, Maurice Utrillo(1883-1955), Edward Hopper (1882-1967), Richard Estes(1932-), Robert Rauschenberg(1925-2008), Wu Cheng-Chang(1965-), Chen Chien-Jung(1972-), from Europe and the United States to Taiwan were discussed, using the above mentioned two core perspectives. The author analyzed and compared the relationship among their social backgrounds, life experiences of urban painting and creation. The middle section of the thesis is an overall arrangement related to the analysis, interpretation, and inspiration of the author’s previous works. The last part of the thesis aims at interpreting statements, materials, and detailed descriptions of the author’s individual works with regard to “hybrid spectacle in city lanes”. Through the thread of literature review and the textual sources of the author’s work, the phased works are made, deriving from appearance and traces of the author’s living place. The characteristics and the emotion of this place temporarily have left a daily and hybrid posture in the works. These works are the epitomes of the city. To probe deep into the future work, the author will try to create the epitomes of the coming city by the more mature statements.
城市空間, 日常性, 混雜性, 景觀, 超級真實, city space, dailiness, hybridity, spectacle, hyperreality