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1. 青少年參與角色扮演動機包括五項動機因素:「非凡扮演」、「同儕歸屬」、「探索自我」、「創作成就」、「體驗隱藏我」。
2. 家庭對Cos支持包括「行動支持Cos」、「情緒支持Cos」,其中家人的行動支持最能讓青少年感受到家庭對Cos的支持。父母教養方式、家人互動關係、父母對Cosplay的態度、以及一般生活面向的家庭支持都與家庭對青少年參與Cosplay的支持有關。
3. 影響青少年扮演者整體參與動機的因素包括Cos投入感以及父母教養方式,投入程度越高、整體動機也越高;父母採權威式教養方式的受試者整體動機較高。
4. 家庭支持對Coser為何參與角色扮演是有關聯性的,情緒性、實質性支持、以及對青少年參與Cosplay的情緒支持,與青少年同儕歸屬之動機呈現負相關;此外,一般家庭支持與青少年探索自我之動機呈現正相關。
This study focus on the motivation of adolescents to participate in Cosplay, and the association between motivation and family support. According to findings, there are five factors that explain adolescents’ motivation of Cosplay participation : "extraordinary playing", "peer belonging ", "explore themselves" ,"creative achievement" , and "experience the hidden self". The factor related with the overall motivation include the sense of Cosplay involvement, and the way of parenting. First, participator with the higher level of Cosplay involvement, have the higher degree of the overall motivation. Second, participator whose parents adopt authoritarian parenting have a higher degree of the overall motivation. About the association between motivation and family support, there is a negative correlation between family support and the " peer belonging" motivation, and there is a positive correlation between family support and the "explore themselves" motivation, although there is no relation between family support and the overall motivation.
This study focus on the motivation of adolescents to participate in Cosplay, and the association between motivation and family support. According to findings, there are five factors that explain adolescents’ motivation of Cosplay participation : "extraordinary playing", "peer belonging ", "explore themselves" ,"creative achievement" , and "experience the hidden self". The factor related with the overall motivation include the sense of Cosplay involvement, and the way of parenting. First, participator with the higher level of Cosplay involvement, have the higher degree of the overall motivation. Second, participator whose parents adopt authoritarian parenting have a higher degree of the overall motivation. About the association between motivation and family support, there is a negative correlation between family support and the " peer belonging" motivation, and there is a positive correlation between family support and the "explore themselves" motivation, although there is no relation between family support and the overall motivation.
青少年, 角色扮演, 角色扮演動機, 家庭支持, 家庭對Cos支持, adolescents, Cosplay, motivation of Cosplay participation, family support, family support of Cosplay