

本研究主要目的在評量臺北市某無菸校園實驗學校執行無菸校園計畫的成效,分別從政策與管理、菸害預防課程、戒菸教育(含輔導)、校園拒菸活動、家長參與、社區結盟及零售商介入等七個策略來探討綜合性評量指標達成的情形。本研究採用準實驗設計,以立意方式選取臺北市兩所高級職業學校的教職員生及家長為研究對象,其中一所學校為實驗組,進行無菸校園計畫的介入,另一所學校為對照組,未進行任何介入活動。研究的期程為92年10月至93年6月,以自填式問卷蒐集介入前、後的資料,進行成效評量。 研究結果發現,各項策略的成效差異大,「政策與管理」已具規模並形成制度。此外,「戒菸教育(含輔導)」的介入成效最好,其次為「菸害預防課程」的介入,再其次為「校園拒菸活動」和「家長參與」的介入,而「社區結盟」和「零售商介入」兩項策略尚屬起步階段。 根據研究結果建議學校可以視學校的特色和現況來推動學校本位無菸校園計畫,逐年執行各項介入策略。建議未來的研究可以增加研究對象以推廣「無菸校園計畫」、加強質性資料的蒐集、及進行「社區結盟」和「零售商介入」的成效評量。
The main purpose of this study was to evaluate a tobacco-free campus program among a vocational high school in Taipei City. To evaluate the comprehensive indicators of the multiple strategies for tobacco-free campus included the following: (1) developing tobacco-free policy, (2) implementing tobacco prevention curriculum, (3) implementing a cessation program, (4) promoting school-wide tobacco-free activities, (5) promoting parent involvement, (6) building community-wide coalition team to prevent adolescents to smoke, and (7) enhancing retailer intervention to prohibit selling tobacco products to minors. The study was quasi-experimental in nature. The subjects included students, teachers and parents from two purposively selected vocational high schools in Taipei City. The experimental school implemented tobacco-free campus program in one academic year, with the baseline survey being conducted in October 2003 and follow-up survey in June 2004. The data was collected via self-administrated questionnaires. The main findings are presented as follows: 1.The effects of each strategy for tobacco-free campus were on variances. 2. The tobacco-free policy completely developed in the experimental school. 3.The most effective strategy was cessation program, followed by tobacco prevention curriculum, school-wide tobacco-free activities, parent involvement, community-wide coalition team to prevent adolescents to smoke, and retailer intervention to prohibit selling tobacco products to minors. It was suggested the schools may develop tobacco-free program based on school characteristics and present situation. The future research should increase the number of participant schools, collect qualitative data, and evaluate the effects of the community-wide coalition team to prevent adolescents to smoke and retailer intervention to prohibit selling tobacco products to minors.



學校, 青少年, 吸菸, 戒菸, 評量, school, adolescent, smoking, smoking cessation, evaluation





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