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中國為世界第二大經濟體,外需與內需皆為重要影響因素,但中國消費率卻有長期偏低的問題,故本研究利用2017年中國家庭金融調查(China Household Finance Survey, CHFS)為基礎,以背景因素、理財因素與財務因素做為自變項,探討對於依變項家庭消費的影響。首先討論不同變項之戶主其家庭消費有無顯著差異,再來研析背景變項、理財變項、財務變項與家庭消費之相關關係,最終本研究利用階層化迴歸分析釐清背景變項、財務變項與理財變項對於家庭消費之解釋力。本研究結果發現:一、背景因素中,不同的「教育程度」、「年齡」、「健康狀態」、「城鄉」與「婚姻狀態」、以及財務變項中,不同「收入」、「資產」與「負債」與理財變項中不同「理財知識」之家庭戶主其家庭消費有顯著差異。二、在相關性方面,背景變項、財務變項、部分理財變項與家庭消費具有顯著相關。三、部分背景變項中,「教育程度、城鄉、家庭人口數」、財務變項中「收入、資產、負債」對家庭消費具有顯著解釋力。
China is the second largest economy in the world, and overseas market demand and consumption are important. However, China's consumption rate has been low for a long time. Therefore, this study is based on China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) 2017. Firstly, the study discussed the final consumption expenditure of households of people in different background variables, finance variables and financial management variables. Secondly, the study found out the correlation coefficient among background variables, finance variables, financial management variables, and the final consumption expenditure of households. Finally, this study discussed and understood the explanatory power of background variables, finance variables and financial management variables to the final consumption expenditure of households. The study found out:1.They are significantly different in the final consumption expenditure of households among the background variables,"education, age, health status, urban and rural areas and marital status", the finance variables, "income, assets and debt" and the financial management variables, "financial knowledge". 2. In terms of correlation, they are significant related with the final consumption expenditure of households among the background variables, the financial variables, and some of the financial variables. 3. They are significant explanatory power for the final consumption expenditure of households among "education, urban and rural areas, and family size" and "income, assets, and liabilities".



中國家庭金融調查, 家庭消費, 收入, 資產, 負債, 階層化迴歸, CHFS, the Final Consumption Expenditure of Households, Income, Assets, Liabilities, Multilevel Model





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