
dc.contributor.authorShih, Ju-Huaen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究之主要目的在瞭解不同背景變項學生,其校園投入經驗與學習滿意度之現況、探討不同背景變項學生,其校園投入經驗及學習滿意度的差異、探討不同入學管道與個人背景變項學生對校園投入經驗與學習滿意度的關係,並根據研究發現,建議學校針對不同背景變項學生提供不同的輔導服務方案。本研究以九十九學年度北區四所綜合大學學生為研究對象,分別為:國立台灣大學、國立臺灣師範大學、東吳大學、輔仁大學,共計864名學生進行研究,問卷回收率71.5%。以自編之「多元入學方案學生的校園投入經驗與學習滿意度調查問卷」為研究工具進行調查研究,本研究主要發現說明如下: 一、研究對象之校園投入經驗,整體平均得分為3.35分,各構面由高至低依序 為:「同儕互動」、「學術投入」、「課外活動」、「師生互動」。 二、研究對象之學習滿意度,整體平均得分為3.43,各構面由高至低依序為:「教師教學」、「學習成果」、「學習環境」、「課程規劃」。 三、不同背景變項在校園投入經驗的差異: (一)不同入學管道學生在「學術投入」構面,以繁星計畫入學管道顯著高於 個人申請及考試入學分發入學管道。 (二)不同個人背景變項中「轉校經驗」、「轉系經驗」、「學校類別」、「性別」、「學門類別」、「打工經驗」、「參與社團經驗」、「每天上網休閒活動時間」、「每天準備課業時間」在校園投入經驗差異達到顯著水準。 四、不同背景變項在學習滿意度的差異: (一)不同入學管道學生在「學習成果」、「課程規劃」、「教師教學」、 「學習環境」四個構面之學習滿意度皆無顯著差異。 (二)不同個人背景變項中「轉校經驗」、「學校類別」、「就讀學門類別」、 「每天投入課業時間」、「父親教育程度」、「母親教育程度」、在學習 滿意度差異達到顯著水準。 五、不同背景變項及校園投入經驗對學習滿意度之預測結果: 在「整體學習滿意度」、「學習成果」、「課程規畫」、「教師教學」、「學習環境」階層迴歸,解釋力在模式三分別達31.5%、30.8%、20.6%、26.1%及14.4% 。在不同背景變項中「入學管道-申請入學」、「轉校經驗」、「就讀學校類別」、「就讀學門類別」、「打工經驗」、「準備課業時間」、「父親教育程度」雖然與學習滿意度有相關,但校園投入經驗四構面:「學術投入」、「師生互動」、「同儕互動」、「課外活動」才是主要預測學生習滿意度的因素。不同入學管道不能預測學習滿意度。 本研究根據以上發現,對高等教育有關人士建議包括(一)改善大學生的校園投入經驗,以提高學習滿意度、(二)須重視學生事務工作含師生互動、同儕互動、課外活動,以強化學生的校園投入經驗、(三)注意不同類型學生的學習投入並給予適切的輔導、(四)應大規模研究繁星計畫等入學管道在校園投入經驗的差異並有預防性的輔導措施。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to investigate the status quo and differences between campus experience and satisfaction of learning of students with different background variables; and also to discuss how different channels of entering colleges and various individual background variables associate with students’ campus experience and satisfaction of learning. The findings of this study further offer some pedagogical implications to schools regarding students’ different background variables. In this study, 864 participants in total joined the research in school year 2010-2011 from four comprehensive universities in the north region of Taiwan. The four universities were National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, Soochow University, and Fu Jen Catholic University. The main research instrument utilized in this study was “Students’ Campus Experiences and Satisfaction of Learning for Multiple Entrance Program Questionnaire,” which was made by the researcher. The response rate of the questionnaire achieved 71.5%. The key findingsof this study are presented as follows: I. The overall average score of participants’ campus experience was 3.35 points; the order from high aspect to low aspect was “peer interaction,” “academic involvement,” “extracurricular activities,” and “teacher-student interaction.” The overall average score of participants’ satisfaction of learning was 3.43 points; the order from high aspect to low aspect was “teacher instruction,” “learning results,” “learning environments,” and “curriculum planning.” II. Differences of campus experience between different background variables: A. In terms of the aspect of “academic involvement,” students entering colleges with Multi-Stars Projects performed significantly better than students who applied for colleges via channels such as College Admissions through Application and College Entrance through Examination and Allocation. B. Individual background variables such as “experience of transferring schools,” “experience of changing majors,” “category of schools,” “gender,” “category of majors,” “working experience,” “school club experience,” “recreational time spent online every day,” and “time spent on studying every day” significantly influenced participants’ campus experience. III. Differences of satisfaction of learning between different background variables: A. In terms of the four aspects of satisfaction of learning, which were “learning results,” “curriculum planning,” “teacher instruction,” and “learning environment,” there was no significant difference between participants who chose different ways to enter colleges. B. Individual background variables such as “experience of transferring schools,” “category of schools,” “category of majors,” “time spent on studying every day,” “father’s educational attainment,” and “mother’s educational attainment” significantly affected students’ satisfaction of learning. IV. The results of satisfaction of learning predicted by different background variables and campus experience: According to hierarchical regression analysis, the explanatory power of “overall satisfaction of learning,” “learning results,” “curriculum planning,” “teacher instruction,” and “learning environment” reached 31.5%, 30.8%, 20.6%, 26.1%, and 14.4% respectively at model three. Among different background variables, “College Admissions through Application,” “experience of transferring schools,” “category of schools,” “category of majors,” “working experience,” “time spent on studying every day,” and “father’s educational attainment” were related to satisfaction of learning, but the four aspects of campus experience, which were “academic involvement,” “teacher-student interaction,” “peer interaction,” and “extracurricular activities,” were the chief factors to predict students’ satisfaction of learning. Different channels of entering colleges could not predict the overall satisfaction of learning. Based on the results of this study, several implications can be provided for people involved in higher education. First, college students’ campus experience should be improved, so as to facilitate their satisfaction of learning. Second, student affairs including “teacher-student interaction,” “peer interaction,” and “extracurricular activities” should be valued in order to strengthen students’ campus experience. Finally, based on the study, in terms of academic involvement, students who entered colleges by Multi-Stars Project outperformed those who did not. This finding is worth noting, and assistance should be provided to students who enter colleges not through Multi-Stars Project. Third, attention should be paid to the academic involvement from different types of students, who should be provided with appropriate assistance. Finally, large-scale research is needed to study the different campus experience resulted from various ways of entering colleges such as Multi-Stars Project, and assistance with preventive effect should be offered as well.en_US
dc.subjectcollege studentsen_US
dc.subjectMultiple Entrance Programen_US
dc.subjectcampus experienceen_US
dc.subjectsatisfaction of learningen_US
dc.titleStudents’ Campus Experiences and Satisfaction of Learning for Multiple Entrance Program–Take Comprehensive Universities in Northern Taiwan as Examplesen_US


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