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舒伯特 (Franz Peter Schubert, 1797-1828)是十九世紀初浪漫主義音樂的作曲家,在音樂史上有舉足輕重的地位,尤其是藝術歌曲方面的貢獻最為影響深遠。他的作品以小型器樂編制見長,由於不擅交際,當時未受廣大民眾矚目,因此美麗旋律經常出現在藝術家朋友雲集的沙龍中。對於文學有敏銳感受力的他,在1823年將自己際遇結合了詩人謬勒的詩集完成了《美麗的磨坊少女》<Die Schöne Müllerin>聯篇歌曲集,隔年,再將其中第十八首改編給長笛與鋼琴的主題與變奏曲,共有七個變奏。
Franz Peter Schubert is ranked among the greatest composers of the early Romantic Era and is one of the most influential musicians as Lieder composers of the early nineteenth century. However, Schubert made successful promotion of his chamber music compositions. Appreciation of his music was limited to a relatively small circle of admirers in the salons of Vienna, but interest in his work increased significantly in the decades following his death. 1823 Schubert wrote his first Liederkreis, 《 Die schöne Müllerin , D. 795》, setting poems by Wilhelm Müller. Next year, 1824, he then rearranged the eighteenth lieder to the Theme and Variations for Flute and Piano with seven variations . Understanding the biography and composition background of Franz Schubert, this paper interprets a few existing literatures. It discusses the meaning from Poetry, 《Trockne Blumen》, and the modulation, harmonic progression, and change of keys from Shubert’s variations objectively. This paper, then provides recommendations and suggestions for performers to further discover the mindset, conceptual awareness, and sense of spiritual feelings of Franz Schubert based on the experience from practicing his music by the Author.
Franz Peter Schubert is ranked among the greatest composers of the early Romantic Era and is one of the most influential musicians as Lieder composers of the early nineteenth century. However, Schubert made successful promotion of his chamber music compositions. Appreciation of his music was limited to a relatively small circle of admirers in the salons of Vienna, but interest in his work increased significantly in the decades following his death. 1823 Schubert wrote his first Liederkreis, 《 Die schöne Müllerin , D. 795》, setting poems by Wilhelm Müller. Next year, 1824, he then rearranged the eighteenth lieder to the Theme and Variations for Flute and Piano with seven variations . Understanding the biography and composition background of Franz Schubert, this paper interprets a few existing literatures. It discusses the meaning from Poetry, 《Trockne Blumen》, and the modulation, harmonic progression, and change of keys from Shubert’s variations objectively. This paper, then provides recommendations and suggestions for performers to further discover the mindset, conceptual awareness, and sense of spiritual feelings of Franz Schubert based on the experience from practicing his music by the Author.
舒伯特, 枯萎的花朵, 藝術歌曲, 長笛作品, 主題變奏曲, Schubert, Trocken Blumen, Lieder, Flute works, Theme and Variations