人們使用語言與別人交流,以建立、保持人際關係,或者影響別人的行為,亦或者表達自己對事物的主觀判斷或評價,這都與情態(modality)密切相關。本文先討論了情態的定義,認為情態指的是「命題或事件在可能世界中的表達」,並從說話者的角度出發,參考謝佳玲(2002)對情態的分類,將情態副詞分為認知情態副詞(epistemic modal adverbs)、義務情態副詞(deontic modal adverbs)和評價情態副詞(evaluative modal adverbs)這三類,並討論情態副詞在句法中的表現。
情態副詞的功能主要表現在語用層面,本文主要從Sperber&Wilson(1986,1995)的關聯理論、Blakemore(1987, 2002)關於引導碼 (procedural encoding)的討論、Leech(1987)的禮貌原則(Politeness Principle)、Brown & Levinson(1978)的面子理論(Face-saving Theory)理論等重要語用理論等討論情態副詞在話語交際中扮演的角色。我們首先探討了「然」尾雙音節情態副詞,再從其中選出「居然」與「當然」作為深入研究對象,分別討論其核心語義、句法搭配與特徵及語用上的表現。此外,在討論「居然」時,也比較了「居然」與「竟然」、「果然」的差異;在討論「當然」時,特別分析其在會話中扮演的角色。
People use language to communicate with others in order to establish and maintain relationships, influence the behavior of others, or to express their subjective judgments or evaluations, and these are associated with modality. We first discussed the definition of modality, and we claim that modality refers to “The expression of propositions or events in the possible world". From a speaker’s perspective, and based on analyses of Hsieh (2002), we divided modal adverbs into three categories: epistemic modal adverbs, deontic modal adverbs, and evaluative modal adverbs. The functionality of modal adverbs is mainly seen in the aspect of pragmatic. From Sperber& Wilson’s (1986, 1995) Relevance Theory, Blakemore’s (1987, 2002) theory on Procedural Encoding, Leech’s (1987) discussion on the Politeness Principle, Brown & Levinson’s (1978) Face-saving Theory etc, important discussions about their performance in pragmatic, we can discuss the type of role modal adverbs play during discourse. We discussed disyllabic modal adverbs with ‘rán’ ending first, and form these phrases we chose ‘jūrán’ and ‘dāngrán’ as our subjects of discussion, we discussed their core meanings, syntax usages and characteristics, as well as the way they are expressed during language usage. Also, whilst discussing ‘jūrán’, we discussed the differences between ‘jūrán’, and ‘jìngrán’ and ‘guǒrán’; whilst discussing ‘dāngrán’ , we especially focused on the role is played during conversation.
People use language to communicate with others in order to establish and maintain relationships, influence the behavior of others, or to express their subjective judgments or evaluations, and these are associated with modality. We first discussed the definition of modality, and we claim that modality refers to “The expression of propositions or events in the possible world". From a speaker’s perspective, and based on analyses of Hsieh (2002), we divided modal adverbs into three categories: epistemic modal adverbs, deontic modal adverbs, and evaluative modal adverbs. The functionality of modal adverbs is mainly seen in the aspect of pragmatic. From Sperber& Wilson’s (1986, 1995) Relevance Theory, Blakemore’s (1987, 2002) theory on Procedural Encoding, Leech’s (1987) discussion on the Politeness Principle, Brown & Levinson’s (1978) Face-saving Theory etc, important discussions about their performance in pragmatic, we can discuss the type of role modal adverbs play during discourse. We discussed disyllabic modal adverbs with ‘rán’ ending first, and form these phrases we chose ‘jūrán’ and ‘dāngrán’ as our subjects of discussion, we discussed their core meanings, syntax usages and characteristics, as well as the way they are expressed during language usage. Also, whilst discussing ‘jūrán’, we discussed the differences between ‘jūrán’, and ‘jìngrán’ and ‘guǒrán’; whilst discussing ‘dāngrán’ , we especially focused on the role is played during conversation.
情態, 情態副詞, 引導碼, 當然, 居然, modality, modal adverbs, procedural encoding, dāngrán, jūrán