公共審議團體成員互動行為之研究 : 以「新竹科學園區宜蘭基地」公民會議為例

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校所名稱:國立台灣師範大學 論文題目:公共審議團體成員互動行為之研究:以「新竹科學園區宜蘭基地」公民會議為例 畢業時間:2006年(九十四學年第一學期) 研究生姓名:傅凱若 指導教授:黃東益 博士 論文摘要: 審議民主理論的發展與實踐近年來已在先進國家成為一股趨勢,其認為代議政治下強調公民的積極參與,重視理性的公共對話,不僅能夠提升政府的決策品性,更重要的在於提升公民參與的能力。在實際的操作應用上已有相當多元的審議民主公共參與模式,而在台灣,以公民會議的模式受到最廣泛的重視,一方面是由於政府的大力提倡下而使全國爭議的話題受到矚目,另一方面是由於地方的社區大學主導的區域性議題,讓民眾參與地方公共性事務。本研究基於對審議民主的評論,需要實證經驗的回應,並且將研究主軸回歸公共參與主體—公民本身,以團體動力的角度去探究公民會議的成員互動情形。 由宜蘭社區大學舉辦的「新竹科學園區宜蘭基地」公民會議,相較於全國性公民會議而言最大的不同,主要是由民間發起的審議民主模式公共參與,因此本研究以此為個案觀察,依據審議民主核心理念和Tuckman五階段的團體發展階段為理論基礎,運用Bales的「SYMLOG」方式分析公民會議團體成員互動行為,藉以了解公民成員討論的動態過程,成員的互動關係?團體極化情形?討論是否理性?以及團體成員的溝通能力是否提升?進一步探討公民會議的團體發展的軌跡,成員的互動行為在各階段的特徵為何?如何展現審議民主「互惠」理念?以及主持人的角色如何落實審議民主精神? 本研究藉由實證經驗回應審議民主的評論,並提供審議民主的公共參與模式不同的研究角度。研究結果發現公民會議是理性且具任務導向的討論,討論過程中成員從衝突到妥協,展現尊重與同理,服膺審議民主的互惠原則,在能力上,在教育程度上仍有審議不平等的現象出現。以及在團體發展過程中歸納公民會議主持人具備的功能與任務。
National Taiwan Normal University Graduate Institute of Political Science Title of Thesis: The Research on the Group Member’s Interaction in Public Deliberation:The case of Yilan Science Industrial Park Citizen Conference Student: Kai-Ro Fu Advisor:Tong-Yi Huang, Ph. D Abstract: The concepts and practice principles of deliberative democracy has accepted widely in advanced country. It emphasizes that people can take positive participation and reasoning communication in public affairs. Not only improve the quality of government policy but also enhance the ability of the citizen participation. In order to implement the idea, there are plural models in public participation to practice the spirit of deliberative democracy in many countries. And citizen conference in Taiwan, have received the extensive attention recently .On one hand because the government promote citizen conference energetically and make the topic of the national dispute attract attention , and on the other hand because the community university leads regional topic and let more people participate to discuss the public affairs. This study concerns that the response to empirical investigation of deliberative democracy and focus on the main issue what is participator, the citizen himself. On the basis of this, the study will discuss the participators interaction in citizen conference by group dynamics. The study observed the case of Yilan Science Industrial Park Citizen Conference which was held by the Yilan community university. Relatively to the national citizen conference, the case was mainly initiated by the non-government organization. According to the key principles of deliberative democracy and Tuckman five stages of group development, the research used SYMLOG of Bales to analyze the group members’ interaction in citizen conference. Hence, the study argues first to understand the dynamic process of citizen members discussion:What is the relation of the members' interaction? How does the group polarize? Is the discussion rational? And does the member’s communication ability improve? Further to find out the stage of group development :What is the characteristics of member’s interaction in every stage? How to achieve the idea of reciprocity? And how does the facilitator’s role implement the spirit of deliberative democracy ? This research response the comment of deliberative democracy with empirical on investigation, and offer different perspective to the method of public deliberative participation. The result of study finds that the discussion in citizen conference is rational and task-oriented . And during the discussion , members’ interaction show from conflict to compromise and respect to each other gradually. The progress represents the principle of reciprocity. However, there is still inequalities deliberation on ability, especially in education. Moreover in the progress of group development, we conclude the function and task of the facilitator possess.



審議民主, 公民會議, 成員互動行為, 團體發展, deliberative democracy, citizen conference, SYMLOG, group development





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