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本研究旨在探索技術型高中設計群廣告設計科學生學習動機與職涯規劃之研究。為達成研究目的,本研究首先蒐集國內外關於「學習動機」、「職涯規劃」等相關理論和文獻,彙整相關資料後,將文獻及資料分析整合,進行有系統地歸納整理,建構本研究之理論基礎及研究架構。 本研究以普查方式來了解「個人層面」、「家庭層面」、「學校層面」是否會影響學生「職涯規劃」,研究對象為新竹(縣、市)地區技術型高中廣告設計科二、三年級學生。正式問卷發放2所學校8個班級,總共發放397份,回收383份,剔除無效問卷之有效問卷375份,有效問卷回收率97.91%。 以 SPSS 22.0 統計分析軟體,使用描述性統計分析、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析等統計方法,對問卷資料內容進行分析,茲將本研究主要研究結果摘要如下: 一、家庭收入不會影響技術型高中廣告設計科學生「學習動機」。 二、父親與母親的教育程度均對技術型高中廣告設計科學生的「學習動機」沒有影響。 三、父親與母親教育態度對技術型高中廣告設計科學生「生涯覺知」有正向影響。 四、父母親教育態度對技術型高中廣告設計科學生「生涯試探」有正向影響。 五、「學習環境」與「同儕影響」對「生涯覺知」及「生涯試探」有正向性影響。 六、「學習動機」對於「生涯覺知」及「生涯試探」有正向性影響。 最後依據研究結果,分別對如何提升學生的「學習動機」、「職涯規劃」,以及後續研究提出建議。
The purpose of this study was to explore the learning motivation and career planning of students who major in advertising design department in technical high schools. In order to achieve the research purposes, this research first collected related theories and literature on "learning motivation" and "career planning" at home and abroad, as well as relevant documents, and then systematically analyzed, induced and integrated all of the above, which was the framework and the fundamental basis of this research. This research, aiming to find out whether the "personal level", "family level" and "school level" affects students' willingness of "career planning", is based on questionnaires. The sophomore and senior students of advertising design department in regional technical high schools in Hsinchu county/city are the main research subjects. Overall, a total of 397 questionnaires were distributed to eight classes within two high schools, with 383 of them returned, in which 375 were valid at a rate of 97.91%. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS 22.0 software with descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation method, etc. The main research results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. Family income will not affect the "learning motivation" of students who major in advertising design department in technical high schools. 2. The educational level of parents has no influence on the "learning motivation" of students who major in advertising design department in technical high schools. 3. The educational attitudes of fathers and mothers have a positive impact on the "career awareness" of students who major in advertising design department in technical high schools. 4. Parental attitudes toward education have a positive effect on the "career exploration" of students who major in advertising design department in technical high schools. 5."Learning environment" and "peer influence" have positive effects on "career awareness" and "career exploration". 6."Learning motivation" has a positive impact on "career awareness" and "career exploration". Last but not the least, according to the results of the study, suggestions are given individually for reference to students' learning motivation, career planning and follow-up study.



技術型高中, 廣告設計科, 學習動機, 職涯規劃, technical high school, advertising design, learning motivation, career planning





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