Sample Library製作之探討:以排灣族鼻笛為例
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本論文以研究Sample Library製作技術為主,包含錄音、聲音編輯、腳本之撰寫與設計,並以蔣忠信先生的排灣族雙管鼻笛,與鄒音竹樂團的新式雙管鼻笛為製作對象。導因于市場上一直沒有台灣的民族樂器Sample Library,且大部份的民族樂器的Sample Library皆為歐美公司製作,為了讓音樂從業者們能夠更輕易使用台灣的聲音來創作,筆者遂決定研究製作技術,並以台灣人的身份打造台灣的民族樂器Sample Library。
本文先針對Sample Library做背景敘述,分為兩大部分:一是Sampling的歷史、二是MIDI技術的概論。由於現今的合成器,Sampler乃至于任何的音樂科技產品大多都透過MIDI溝通,因此進行Sample Library製作時,除了Sampling外,對MIDI技術的了解也是必要條件。此部分透過解說MIDI技術規章後,再與市面上Sample Library的運作原理一同分析。
此鼻笛Sample Library透過Native Instruments公司的Kontakt軟體製作,利用Kontakt將錄製好的鼻笛管理成庫,並設計撰寫其獨有之KSP腳本處理器來控制Kontakt以及開發使用者界面。腳本將撰寫為通用的功能模組,以便一般用戶也能輕易製作Sample Library,而開發者能夠透過修改腳本,設計符合需求的功能。
本研究以實務為核心,透過有系統性的製作流程,模組化的腳本,展示核心功能簡而精的Sample Library,盼能提供有志于此的同道一份參考指南,讓更多人了解典藏與應用關聯的另一面。
The thesis focuses on the study of sample library producing techniques which include recording, sound editing, script designing and making user interface, by sourcing the Paiwan twin-pipe nose flute and the modern Tsou twin-pipe nose flute. In the current market the majority of sample libraries for ethnic instruments are made by Occidental companies, and rarely have the indigenous Taiwanese instruments made. The thesis will present the process of the making of sample library created for the Taiwanese nose flutes. The research begins with the general background information regarding the history of music sampling and MIDI techniques. MIDI techniques serve a prerequisite for the making of sample library, because the synthesizer/sampler and all the other technological music products mainly communicate through the MIDI protocol. The nose flute sample library is create by the software Kontakt from the Native Instruments. It helps manage the recorded nose flute soundfiles, generate the script within the universal function module, and develop its user interface. Additionally, it is designed to let the users modify the script and fit their musical inventions. Through the systematic illustration, the research not only presents the core functions of the making process of a sample library but also creates its first for the indigenous Taiwanese nose flutes. The result provides a reference guide for researchers who have similar interests in this area and it attempts to broaden the connection between music archive and application.
The thesis focuses on the study of sample library producing techniques which include recording, sound editing, script designing and making user interface, by sourcing the Paiwan twin-pipe nose flute and the modern Tsou twin-pipe nose flute. In the current market the majority of sample libraries for ethnic instruments are made by Occidental companies, and rarely have the indigenous Taiwanese instruments made. The thesis will present the process of the making of sample library created for the Taiwanese nose flutes. The research begins with the general background information regarding the history of music sampling and MIDI techniques. MIDI techniques serve a prerequisite for the making of sample library, because the synthesizer/sampler and all the other technological music products mainly communicate through the MIDI protocol. The nose flute sample library is create by the software Kontakt from the Native Instruments. It helps manage the recorded nose flute soundfiles, generate the script within the universal function module, and develop its user interface. Additionally, it is designed to let the users modify the script and fit their musical inventions. Through the systematic illustration, the research not only presents the core functions of the making process of a sample library but also creates its first for the indigenous Taiwanese nose flutes. The result provides a reference guide for researchers who have similar interests in this area and it attempts to broaden the connection between music archive and application.
鼻笛, 採樣音色庫, 採樣器腳本, 典藏應用, nose flute, Taiwanese nose flute, sample library, Kontakt, sample script