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近年來環境及氣候的變遷,引發桃園地區多起自然災害事件,不僅造成民眾的生命財產受到損失,亦屢屢登上媒體版面,而新聞媒體報導的次數,與民眾受災的程度有關。因此,本研究從桃園市新聞媒體報導的內容分析以及桃園老街溪周遭居民對洪患的認知與調適行為進行研究。 首先,本研究以1986年-2015年,「聯合報」電子資料庫中所呈現的土石流、崩塌、水災、風災、旱災報導等議題為研究對象進行內容分析,瞭解桃園地區自然災害事件報導的時空分布特性和其報導的取向。從研究結果發現,水災為桃園發生頻繁的災害之一,故以老街溪整治段的周遭居民為樣本,採用滾雪球方式進行抽樣,以半結構式訪談的方式,訪談了14位居民及2位政府官員,以瞭解居民的洪患識覺與調適行為的時空差異,進而提出防災管理的因應建議。 研究結果如下:1.在空間分布上,土石流、崩塌、風災等報導議題,以復興區的報導次數為最多;水災報導則以中壢區次數為最多;旱災則因其影響範圍多遍及全桃園,故在地點上較無明顯顯著差異。2.時間特性上,土石流、崩塌、水災、風災的相關報導則多集中於6-10月,其誘發因素主要與西南氣流、鋒面、颱風有關;旱災議題主要集中於12-5月,和冬季降雨量不足及梅雨季降雨不足或延遲來臨有所相關。3.居民災害識覺的差異上,受到角色、居住時間、居住地點影響,其中成因性識覺、嚴重性識覺、存在性識覺有明顯的空間差異。4.居民的調適行為上,以預警發布時期即洪患發生時期較為明顯,而災後行為隨著近年來整治工程的完工及防救災的宣導,民眾的警戒心也隨之降低。
Recently, climate and surrounding changes have arouse multiple natural disasters in Taoyuan city, which not only threatened people's life and property, but also bumped into medium forum for several times. There is a strong connection between the frequency of news report and influence on people about the disasters. Therefore, this research is the analysis of news reports in Taoyuan area and the residents' hazard perception of flood and adjust behavior in Lao-jie River. This research analyzes news report about mudslide, collapse, flood, wind damage, drought based on the electronic database of united daily news since 1986 to 2015 to realize the temporal and spatial distribution and orientation of these disaster news report in Taoyuan area. Furthermore, I take the residents living in the improvement works in Lao-jie River as sample in snowball sampling and semi-structured interview, interviewing 14 residents and 2 government officials to discuss the time and space difference in the residents' hazard perception of flood and adjust behavior . The result shows as follows: Firstly, spatial distribution can be reflected from the report frequency of Fuxing district about mudslide, collapse, wind damage higher than any other district in Taoyuan. Also, Zhongli District often shows up in the flood report. As for the spatial distribution, the report of mudslide, collapse, flood, wind damage seems to take place in June to October. In the other side, the report of drought is mainly happened in December to May. Moreover, residents' flood perceptions is influenced by character, living period, location and so on. Finally, residents' adjust behavior only appears during the early warning and the period of flood. With the completion of the improvement work, residents have also reduced alertness toward the disaster.



自然災害, 內容分析, 災害識覺, 調適行為, 桃園, natural disaster, content analysis, hazard perception, adjustment, Taoyuan





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