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本研究提出了基於標記物的遮檔處理演算法,藉由深度攝影機取 得真實環境的幾何資訊,以達成對虛擬物件的遮檔處理。現有的遮擋 處理研究中,少有針對處理時間的優化,但在擴增實境應用中,每秒 幀數(Frames per Second,FPS)至少需到達 30FPS,才能提供良好的 使用體驗,因此遮檔處理除了考量畫面的精細程度外,也要考慮處理 時間。本研究提出了針對處理速度優化的演算法,動態地計算需處理 的範圍,並盡量減少需運算的像素數。實驗的部分可以得知,藉由動 態遮檔處理範圍,遮檔處理的運算時間降至原本的四分之一,最終在 RealSense SR 300 上可以達成每秒三十幀的速度,與此相機原生的每秒 幀數相同。
由於本研究無針對原始深度影像進行優化,為確保其可用性,亦測 量原始深度影像中雜訊像素的寬度,從實驗結果得知,在物體距離鏡 頭 50 至 70 公分時,雜訊的像素寬度從 30pixels 逐漸降低至 10pixels, 證明在一定距離使用時,雜訊並不會嚴重地影響遮檔處理的結果。
This paper presents a occlusion handling algorithm on marker-based aug- mented reality system, which obtains the geometric information of real envi- ronment by depth camera to achieve occlusion handling of the virtual object. In the existing occlusion handling research, there is less attention to process- ing time, but in augmented reality applications, frames per sescnod(FPS) need to reach at least 30 FPS to provide a good experience. This paper proposes an algorithm for processing speed o ㄣ timization, which sets range of processing dynamically.According to experiments, the processing time of occlusion processing is reduced by three quarters, and reach 30 FPS as well as FPS of RealSense SR300. This paper doesn’t refine raw depth image,To ensure its usability, the width of noise pixels in raw depth images is measured,according to the exper- imental results, when the object is 50 to 70 cm away from the lens, the pixel width of the noise is gradually reduced from 30 pixels to 10 pixels, which proves that the noise does not seriously affect the result of the occlusion pro- cessing when used at a certain distance.
This paper presents a occlusion handling algorithm on marker-based aug- mented reality system, which obtains the geometric information of real envi- ronment by depth camera to achieve occlusion handling of the virtual object. In the existing occlusion handling research, there is less attention to process- ing time, but in augmented reality applications, frames per sescnod(FPS) need to reach at least 30 FPS to provide a good experience. This paper proposes an algorithm for processing speed o ㄣ timization, which sets range of processing dynamically.According to experiments, the processing time of occlusion processing is reduced by three quarters, and reach 30 FPS as well as FPS of RealSense SR300. This paper doesn’t refine raw depth image,To ensure its usability, the width of noise pixels in raw depth images is measured,according to the exper- imental results, when the object is 50 to 70 cm away from the lens, the pixel width of the noise is gradually reduced from 30 pixels to 10 pixels, which proves that the noise does not seriously affect the result of the occlusion pro- cessing when used at a certain distance.
擴增實境, 遮擋問題, 深度影像, 影像處理, Augmented Reality, Occlusion Problem, Depth Image, Image Process