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後疫情時代,由於長時間的隔離、線上課程、缺乏同儕互動,學生的人際社交能力、情緒成熟度都相較疫情前落後。由於人際關係相關能力不論對認知發展、學業成就、幸福感、心理健康、職場、成就、犯罪行為預測、霸淩防制,甚或未來AI時代的職涯,都有其重要性。臺灣課綱中的人際關係與團隊合作核心素養相關能力,在世界各國的教育目標中亦受到高度的重視。雖然在教學現場上學生人際關係對其學習與心理健康層面上的影響是明顯的,該素養目前在教學現場卻缺乏有系統的評量指標和各向度的可測量定義和跨領域指標,來幫助學校現場的教育人員和學生系統性的評估人際關係與團隊合作素養。故本研究透過建構此素養導向的評量指標,提供在教育現場中人際關係與團隊合作能力素養評量的參考依據。本研究首先透過系統性文獻回顧法(system review),分析本土與國際人際關係與團隊合作素養之評量向度和指標,分別從本土58個量表與國際66個量表中整理得到8個面向、37個構面、375項次構面指標,並發現本土與國際在此議題之量表具文化觀點的差異。經過專家檢核精煉篩選指標後,再透過模糊德懷術結合改良層級分析法的一致性模糊偏好關係法(consistent fuzzy preference relation, CFPR),得出各指標向度的重要性權重,並依指標難易程度分級將指標分為六級,建構出具有專家效度並可應用在國中教育階段人際關係與團隊合作素養導向的評量指標。研究主要結果提出「中學生人際關係與團隊合作素養評量指標」包含三個層級:2個面向、9個構面、44個次構面指標。「人際關係」面向中的構面依照重要性權重排序為:「包容與尊重」、「同理心」、「關係經營」、「人際覺察」、「人際應對」;「團隊合作」面向依照重要性權重排序為「團隊溝通」、「團體動力」、「團隊協作」、「團隊的領導與被領導」。能提供教育現場的老師有具操作型定義的評量指標,來評估學生的人際關係與團隊合作素養。本研究貢獻在於使用創新的系統性文獻回顧做為廣納指標方法,使指標之文獻具廣度。並用一致性模糊偏好關係方法做為教育領域罕見的指標權重建立方式。本研究建構指標過程考量評量對象之觀點,且專家具議題代表性。建構出 具實務應用價值的且依照難易程度分級的跨領域指標,彰顯本議題具有時代性,並突顯人際關係與團隊合作之於中學生的心理健康發展具有重要性。
In the post-epidemic era, students' interpersonal and social skills and emotional maturity have lagged behind their pre-epidemic counterparts due to prolonged periods of isolation, online courses, and a lack of peer interaction. The significance of interpersonal skills in cognitive development, academic achievement, well-being, mental health, career, achievement, criminal behaviour prediction, bullying prevention, and even career in the future AI era cannot be overstated. The importance of interpersonal relationships and teamwork is similarly reflected in the education goals of countries around the world.Although it is evident that students' interpersonal relationships have an impact on their learning and mental health, there is a lack of systematic indicators, measurable definitions, and interdisciplinary indicators to assist educators and students in the systematic assessment of interpersonal relationships and teamwork in the context of teaching and learning. Consequently, this study presents a framework for the assessment of interpersonal and teamwork skills in the educational setting, with the development of a competency-oriented scale representing a key contribution.This study commenced with a systematic review of the literature to analyse the local and international dimensions and indicators of interpersonal relationship and teamwork competency. A total of 8 orientations, 37 dimensions, and 375 subdimensions were identified from the 58 local scales and 66 international scales, respectively. The analysis revealed differences in cultural perspectives between the local and international scales on this issue.Following the refinement and selection of the indicators by experts, the importance weights of the indicators were obtained through the fuzzy preference relation (CFPR) combined with the fuzzy moral care technique. The indicators were then categorised into six levels according to the difficulty level of the indicators, with the aim of ensuring that the indicators were constructed with the validity of the experts and could be applied to the guiding principles of interpersonal and teamwork competency in the secondary education level.The principal findings of the study indicate that the Interpersonal Relationship and Teamwork Competency Indicators for Secondary School Students comprise three levels: 2 dimensions, 9 components, and 44 subcomponents. The constructs in the"Interpersonal Relationships" dimension are, in order of importance, "tolerance and respect," "empathy," "relationship management," "interpersonal awareness," and "social interaction." In the "Teamwork" dimension, the constructs are, in order of importance, "team communication," "team dynamics," "team collaboration," and "team leadership." These operational definitions of indicators provide teachers in the education field with a framework for developing students' interpersonal and teamwork skills. This study makes a contribution by employing a systematic literature review as a novel method of generalising the indicators to make them more comprehensive. Furthermore, a consistent fuzzy preference relationship approach was employed as a rare method of establishing the weights of the indicators in the field of education. In the process of constructing the indicators, the viewpoints of the respondents were taken into consideration, and the topic of the indicators was specifically designed to be representative of the topic. The interdisciplinary indicators were constructed with a view to their practical applicability and classified according to the level of difficulty. This approach served to highlight the contemporary nature of the topic and the importance of interpersonal relationships and teamwork in the development of the mental health of adolescent students.



人際關係與團隊合作素養, 指標建構, 系統性文獻回顧, 一致性模糊偏好關係法, 模糊德懷術, Interpersonal Relationship and Teamwork Competency, Indicator Construction, Systematic Review, Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relation (CFPR), Fuzzy Delphi Method





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