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本研究旨在瞭解臺中市高級中等學校教師專業素養之現況,分析不同個人背景、學校背景及專業學習社群參與情形的教師在專業素養之差異情形,以及上述變項對教師專業素養之解釋力。 依據研究目的,本研究採分層配額抽樣選取臺中市15所公、私立高級中等學校共435位教師,以「臺中市高級中等學校教師專業素養調查問卷」進行抽樣調查,回收有效問卷共412份,有效問卷回收率為94.71%。所蒐得之資料分別以描述性統計分析、單一樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析及階層多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。本研究所獲致之結論如下: 一、臺中市高級中等學校教師具有「中高」水準之專業素養,而其專業素養各構面的排序依高低分別為「專業態度」、「專業實踐」、「專業知能」。 二、教師之專業素養會因其最高學歷、教育學程管道、身分別、擔任職務等個人背景變項之不同而有顯著差異,但不因性別、教學年資及任教領域之不同而有差異。代理教師和兼任行政職者之整體專業素養,顯著高於正式教師和兼任導師者。 三、教師之專業素養會因其任教學校類型、學校屬性及是否為前導學校等學校背景變項之不同而有顯著差異,但不因任教學校規模之不同而有差異。前導學校教師之整體專業素養,顯著高於非前導學校教師。 四、教師之專業素養會因其社群類型、社群功能及參與頻率等專業學習社群參與變項之不同而有顯著差異。參與社群類型越趨多元、社群功能越趨多元、參與頻率越高的教師,具有較佳的整體專業素養。 五、教師個人背景、學校背景及專業學習社群參與情形對其專業知能、專業實踐、專業態度及整體專業素養具有正向之解釋力,且「專業學習社群參與」之解釋力遠大於個人背景與學校背景變項。 最後依據結論,本研究提出相關建議,謹供教師、學校、教育行政主管機關、師資培育機構,以及未來研究之參考。
The purpose of this study were to investigate the status quo of professional competencies of high school teachers in Taichung city, and to analyze the differences in professional copmpetencies between teachers with different backgrounds and professional learning community (PLC) and the above variables on the explanatory power of teachers’ professional competencies. To achieve the purposes, this study adopted a questionnaire survey. “The Inventory of Professional Competencies of High School Teachers in Taichung City” was used to collect the data. The samples were 435 teachers selected from 15 high schools in Taichung city, and 412 of the distributed copies were returned as valid. The valid rate was 94.71%. A series of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way-ANOVA and hierarchical multiple regression were conducted to analyzed the data. The findings of the study can be summarized as follows: 1. High school teachers in Taichung city have above medium-performance on their overall professional competencies, especially scored highest in “professional attitudes”, but lowest in “professional knowledge”. 2. The educators with different personal backgrounds (education level, teacher education program, status, position) significantly differed in teachers’ professional competencies. Substitute teacher, part-time administrative teachers show higher level of overall professional competencies. 3. The educators with different school backgrounds (the property of schools, pilot school) significantly differed in teachers’ professional competencies. Pilot school teachers show higher level of overall professional competencies. 4. The educators with different participation of PLC (type, function, frequency) significantly differed in teachers’ professional competencies. Teachers participated in multi-functional PLC had more diverse community functions, teachers participated in multi-type PLC had more diverse community types, and teachers with higher participation frequency show better overall professional competencies. 5. The educators’ personal background, school background and PLC participation had positive explanatory power to their professional knowledge, skills, attitudes, and overall professional competencies.The interpretation of PLC participation variables were far greater than the personal background and school background variables. According to the conclusions, some suggestions were proposed to high school teachers, school administrators and future researchers.



素養導向教育, 教師專業素養, 專業知能, 專業實踐, 專業態度, competency-based education, teachers’ professional competencies, professional knowledge, professional skills, professional attitudes





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