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摘要 本研究主要目的在研究國中生的內外控人格特質、主觀生活壓力、因應行為與自覺身心進康狀況間的關係。本研究以民國九十一學年度就讀台中縣某國中一至三年級的學生為研究對象進行抽樣,並利用自填式問卷進行資料收集,共得有效樣本311人。所得資料以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及複迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,重要結果歸納如下: 1. 研究對象的主觀壓力屬於中等,各類別的壓力感受依序為:學校事件、自我相關事件、家庭事件及交友事件。 2. 研究對象採用積極的因應行為多於消極的因應行為。 3. 研究對象的自覺身心健康狀況屬於中等。 4. 研究對象的父親教育程度屬中等教育、父親職業為技術性工人及偏向外控人格特質者,整體主觀壓力較大。 5. 女生較男生採取較多的因應行為;內控人格者較傾向採取積極的因應行為;女性、三年級及外控人格者較常採用消極的因應行為。 6. 主觀生活壓力和積極解決的因應行為沒有顯著相關;但和消極解決的因應行為及自覺身心健康狀況呈正相關。積極解決及消極解決的因應行為都和自覺身心健康狀況呈正相關。 7. 研究架構對自覺身心健康的預測力為47%。性別、內外控人格特質、學校事件、交友事件、自我相關事件及消極解決因應行為最具解釋力,此四個變項的解釋力有46.5%。
Abstract The main purpose of this research is to study the relationship between inner/outer personality, subjective pressureヽbehavior for life and conscious mental/physical health for junior high school student. We performed the test on the students in one of the junior high schools in Taichung at 2002 with 311 operative data in total. We analyzed the data by using t-testヽsingle factor variance analysisヽPierson and . The most important result in below: 1. The subjective pressure of object of study is medium, ranking for every even is: schoolヽself-relatedヽfamily and friend making. 2. The quantities of objects of study, who behave aggressively, are more than those who behave passively. 3. The status of mental and physical health of subject of study is normal. 4. Level of education of fathers of object of study is medium-educated. Objects got larger pressure if their fathers are technician and with outer-control personality. 5. Girls perform more corresponding behavior than boys do. People with inner-control personality will likely perform aggressive behavior. Girlsヽ3rd grade students and outer-control personality will likely perform passively behavior. 6. There is no obvious relation between objective life pressure and solving problems aggressively; but passively solving problems is related to status of self-conscious health. Aggressively solving problem and passively solving problem are related to status of self-conscious health. 7. The predictability of this study structure to self-conscious mental/physical health is 47%. Genderヽinner/outer-control personalityヽevents in schoolヽevents of friend makingヽevents of self-related and solving problem passively are most important. The predictability of these 4 items is 46.5%.







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