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本系統的主要概念是把連續的3D場景(scene)切割成許多區段(sections),將這些區段作為基本的串流單位(streaming units)。每一個區段可能包含了許多靜態幾何資料(static geometry)、動態幾何資料(dynamic geometry)、貼圖(texture)、光線(lights)、物件的資訊、以及音效等等。當玩家所扮演的角色移動於場景時,區段將視需要不斷的被載入,讓玩家感覺整個超大型的場景早已經全部載入記憶體中。
In general, game developers usually divide a huge scene into several disconnected sections, especially in Massively Multi-player Online Role-playing Game (MMORPGs). One reason is that a huge scene may involve massive mesh data and can not be loaded into memory at a time. The other is to reduce the synchronous communications among players, decrease synchronous notifications, and diminish the likelihood of a lag of network. Due to the predicament mentioned above, we are developing a system, inclusive of an overlapped file I/O subsystem, a pre-fetch scheme, and cache management. Our goal is to provide players with smooth navigation in a massive 3D virtual environment without lags. In our approach, the system will load necessary sections adequately in time without notice of pause on gameplay, which depends on the position of player’s character. The main concept of our system is that a vast 3D scene has been partitioned into many sections, and these sections are dealt as fundamental streaming units. In each section, there are static geometry, dynamic geometry, textures, lights, and sound effects etc. Sections will be loaded into memory or discard, depending on the character’s position while it walks in the complex scene. Accordingly, players experience that a whole vast 3D scene has been loaded into memory.
In general, game developers usually divide a huge scene into several disconnected sections, especially in Massively Multi-player Online Role-playing Game (MMORPGs). One reason is that a huge scene may involve massive mesh data and can not be loaded into memory at a time. The other is to reduce the synchronous communications among players, decrease synchronous notifications, and diminish the likelihood of a lag of network. Due to the predicament mentioned above, we are developing a system, inclusive of an overlapped file I/O subsystem, a pre-fetch scheme, and cache management. Our goal is to provide players with smooth navigation in a massive 3D virtual environment without lags. In our approach, the system will load necessary sections adequately in time without notice of pause on gameplay, which depends on the position of player’s character. The main concept of our system is that a vast 3D scene has been partitioned into many sections, and these sections are dealt as fundamental streaming units. In each section, there are static geometry, dynamic geometry, textures, lights, and sound effects etc. Sections will be loaded into memory or discard, depending on the character’s position while it walks in the complex scene. Accordingly, players experience that a whole vast 3D scene has been loaded into memory.
3D虛擬環境, 區段預取