

  本研究旨在瞭解高級商業職業學校學生之資訊素養,以圖書館素養、媒體素養、電腦素養、網路素養作為本研究資訊素養之主要內涵。另外,採用國際教育科技學會(ISTE)之學生教育科技標準(NETS.S),作為本研究資訊素養的能力標準,發展研究問卷,針對資料處理科日間部一年級和三年級學生進行問卷調查。   首先,透過文獻探討發展問卷,經過專家審查及預試修正,以做成研究之工具。針對台北縣市地區33所設有資料處理科之高中職,以隨機抽樣方式選取17所學校,寄發問卷1020份,回收有效問卷830份,回收率82%,以獲致研究結果,本研究主要結論,如后: 1.資料處理科學生覺知圖書館素養達到「普通」程度,並且不因學習年齡增加而提升。 2.資料處理科學生覺知媒體素養達到「普通」程度,並且不因學習年齡增加而提升。 3.資料處理科學生覺知電腦素養達到「符合」程度,並且隨學習年齡增加而提升。 4.資料處理科學生覺知網路素養達到「符合」程度,並且不因學習年齡增加而提升。 5.資料處理科學生NETS.S標準之「運用科技為研究工具」能力最佳,「運用科技為問題解決與作決策的工具」能力需加強。 6.資料處理科學生之NETS.S標準能力偏重於網路素養與電腦素養,需加強圖書館素養與媒體素。 本研究依據上述結論,對教育主管單位與後續研究者提出建議。 關鍵字:高級商業職業學校、資訊素養、圖書館素養、媒體素養、電腦素養、網路素養
This study was intended to conduct an investigation of the information literacy of students in vocational commercial high schools. The information literacy of the study includes library literacy, media literacy, computer literacy and network literacy. The information literacy Standards of the study is the Educational Technology Standards for Student (NETS.S) of International Society for Technology in Educations (ISTE).The questionnaires were carried out by the first and third grade of the Department of Data Processing in vocational commercial high schools, comparing the information literacy of the third grade with the first grade. Firstly, literature review was conducted to develop the questionnaire. After the examination of experts and a pilot test, a questionnaire was created as the main tool for the research. Secondly, there are 33 schools that have Department of Data Processing in Taipei, and random sampling was used to select 17 schools. There were 1020 questionnaires completed, and 830 returned. The validity is around 82%, the results are listed below. 1. Students of the department of data processing are aware that the library literacy reaches to common level. The library literacy does not improve because of the studying age increasing. 2. Students of the department of data processing are aware that the media literacy reaches to common level. The media literacy does not improve because of the studying age to increasing. 3. Students of the department of data processing are aware that the computer literacy reaches to conformable level. The computer literacy improves because of the studying age to increasing. 4. Students of the department of data processing are aware that the network literacy reaches to conformable level. The network literacy does not improve because of the studying age to increasing. 5. Technology research tools of NETS.S is the best ability, and technology problem-solving and decision-making tools of NETS.S is the worst ability of department of data processing students. 6.NETS.S of the department of data processing students stress the network and computer literacy , and it needs to strengthen the library and media literacy. According to the results obtained, suggestions could be provided to educational responsible institution and further study.



高級商業職業學校, 資訊素養, 圖書館素養, 媒體素養, 電腦素養, 網路素養, Vocational Commercial High School, information literacy, library literacy, media literacy, computer literacy, network literacy





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