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在胡適之發起白話文運動之前約一百五十年左右,中國早就有人「有意」以白話 為文學的書寫語言。這些人乃明清之際履華的耶穌會士,而其中最重要的人與作 品,我以為是法人賀清泰及其以北京俗語中譯的《古新聖經》(1750?-1810?)。 本計畫的重點所在,即為《古新聖經》中的詮釋學與解經修辭。在天主教武加大 本七十二卷中,賀清泰生前總共譯得三十八卷,而每一卷除有前言導論外,幾乎 也都撰有大量的「注解」。《古新聖經》世無刊本,只有抄本傳世,見之者只有 寥寥之數,本計畫擬點校重排《古新聖經》,使之不再塵封於圖書館中而能為舉 世學界所用。此外,本計畫也打算在點校的基礎上,深入探討(一)賀清泰繼承 的歐洲解經傳統,包括聖熱落尼莫與聖奧古斯丁的解經實踐與理論;(二)賀清 泰本人因翻譯實踐所悟得的經文奧旨與修辭手法;(三)賀清泰的「注解」筆法 與明末小說評點的手法之間的聯繫。《古新聖經》譯自通俗本拉丁文《聖經》, 賀清泰不僅用北京的俚俗之語翻譯,還效法中國通俗小說的評點手法撰寫「注 解」。凡此種種,恐怕不是胡適當年提倡白話文始料可及。
The starting premise of the present project is that long before Hu Shih inaugurated his language reform in China, there had appeared on that land at least one important work done in Beijing dialect “on purpose.” This “work,” though a translated one, is the French Jesuit He Qingtai 賀清泰 or Louis de Poirot’s Guxin Shengjing 古新聖經 or the Old and the New Testaments (1750?-1810?). The present project, in addition to giving a general description of the language it uses in the 38 books of the Vulgate Bible already put into vernacular Chinese, is trying to discuss the Guxin Shengjing from three perpectives. First of all, it will explore the exegetical legacy that de Poirot inherits in the annotated and introductory parts of each book in his translated Bible, followed by a study of de Poirot’s individual exegesis as suggested especially in the annotated parts all at the end of his translated books in the Guxin Shengjing. The third concern of the present project has to do with the influence of the traditional Chinese novel commentary on de Poroit’s annotations, commentaries in vernacular Chinese that had come into being only two hundred years before de Poirot began his translation of the Vulgate Bible into Chinese.
The starting premise of the present project is that long before Hu Shih inaugurated his language reform in China, there had appeared on that land at least one important work done in Beijing dialect “on purpose.” This “work,” though a translated one, is the French Jesuit He Qingtai 賀清泰 or Louis de Poirot’s Guxin Shengjing 古新聖經 or the Old and the New Testaments (1750?-1810?). The present project, in addition to giving a general description of the language it uses in the 38 books of the Vulgate Bible already put into vernacular Chinese, is trying to discuss the Guxin Shengjing from three perpectives. First of all, it will explore the exegetical legacy that de Poirot inherits in the annotated and introductory parts of each book in his translated Bible, followed by a study of de Poirot’s individual exegesis as suggested especially in the annotated parts all at the end of his translated books in the Guxin Shengjing. The third concern of the present project has to do with the influence of the traditional Chinese novel commentary on de Poroit’s annotations, commentaries in vernacular Chinese that had come into being only two hundred years before de Poirot began his translation of the Vulgate Bible into Chinese.