

  由於網路科技蓬勃發展,帶來豐沛的資源,資料倉儲(data warehouse)成為資料庫技術中的新主題,而資料挖掘(data mining)、線上分析處理(On-Line Analytical Processing, OLAP)等技術,近年來亦日漸被重視,並且廣泛應用在各個領域上。所謂資料挖掘就是從資料庫中採掘出隱藏的、非顯著性有用資訊的過程,而OLAP則是一種快速擷取多維資訊和了解資料整體概況的工具,不需要設定資料層級就可以快速的瀏覽並分析資料。因此,OLAP可滿足決策者對大量多維資訊做分析比較之需求,以幫助洞察現況或決策分析。   由於OLAP須直接對資料庫做統計及彙算的工作,基於安全性的考量,限定於區域網路內使用;對於如何將OLAP統計的結果放置於網站上供人瀏覽,又能達到自動化更新的效果則為本研究的重點之一。   本研究是以教育部技職課程資源網站為例,將技職校院所上傳之幾十萬筆資料進行多維度分析,先建立課程資料cube,再運用資料轉換服務(Data Transformation Service, DTS)與VBScript的技術,以及配合排程的設定,發展出一套網站自動化統計機制;並且藉由統計結果察覺上傳資料的正確與否,進而修正錯誤達到維護資料倉儲之目的,期能使OLAP與網站資料倉儲的結合應用,提供一套方便可行之模式。
As the technology of Internet develops quickly, the data warehouse becomes a new topic on Internet. Besides, Data Mining and OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) have become significant and are applied to the different domains. Data Mining is a process to find some hidden and unapparent information from database; OLAP is a tool getting multi-dimensional data and analyzing statistical results. Hence, OLAP can help policy maker understand the whole situation and make decisions. OLAP must access database and make aggregate directly. As a result of security, it is only used on LAN (Local Area Network). The study is focus on how to show statistical results on Internet and refresh automatically. Moreover, the study takes the technological and vocational education course website as an example. And we will analyze hundreds of thousands of courses from each school by OLAP. Firstly, we have to build up a multi-dimensional cube of courses. Secondly, we use DTS (Data Transformation Service), VBScript, and making schedule to develop an auto-statistic model on website. And then, we can find out error data in database by the display of statistical results and maintain the data warehouse quickly. Finally, we hope to offer a useful model on other websites of data warehouse.



資料倉儲, 資料挖掘, 線上分析處理, 資料轉換服務, Data Warehouse, Data Mining, OLAP, Cube, DTS, VBScript





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