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全球化的現今社會中,區域結盟、國際合作及企業整併等現象儼然成為時代的社會發展趨勢,需要培育具有統整思維能力的人才。台灣的普通高中課程95暫綱中實施通則部分明確指出高中教育的定位為要瞭解、體認全球社會的重大問題,包括:生命教育、性別平等教育、法治教育、人權教育、環保教育、永續發展、多元文化及消費者保護教育等重要議題宜納入相關課程中,以期讓學生在不同科目的脈絡中思考這些議題,以收相互啟發整合之效。這八大議題均與現代生活與環境有密不可分的關連性,其彼此間亦有著環環相扣的關聯性。 然而,傳統的教學一向採取「教師—班級教學」的模式,且為避免彼此相互干擾,乃將教室以牆壁區隔,無形中也將教師與教師間做了隔離,因而使得教師之間鮮有討論教學工作與分享教學經驗的機會。目前高中課程中多為分科教學,各個獨立的學科知識如同拼圖碎片,只有當這些圖塊被組合起來時,它們才會顯現出意義出來。此時,課程統整是一種拼圖的好方法,其旨在打破現有學科內容獨立的界限,讓學生能獲得較連貫與完整的知識,使其獲得較深入與完整的知識。 「主題統整教學」為實施課程統整的策略之一,強調教師彼此合作,不僅突破「以教師個人為主體」的傳統思維,也打破以往教師「單打獨鬥」的教學方式,開啟另類「合作教學」之門。教師間組成教學團共同研究課程、設計課程,把握以學生為中心的精神,使學習與生活結合,亦也是落實95高中新課程的實踐之道。 倫理消費又名道德消費、公義消費、良心消費等,是一種以道德責任為主要原則的消費行為,是對個人消費行為的反思。其近年來興起於西方國家,概念與精神與95高中課綱主要議題的理念吻合,又兼顧了全球化、國際貿易、產業文化等層面,適合由多科教師以此為主題共同進行統整教學。 本研究以研究者任教的高中為研究對象,選定倫理消費為主題之統整教學活動,期望活化學生所學習的知識,跳脫學科之間的有形框架,引導學生應用所學在實際的生活議題或經驗之中,並願意反思自身的消費行為。研究結果發現:本研究教學使用較短的授課時數達成預期教學目標,並引起廣大的回響,且過程中教學相長的經驗將深刻於全校師生的心中。本研究的研究對象為高二學生,後續研究可發展由高一至高三互相銜接的倫理消費議題之校本課程之研究,亦可加入更多領域科目共同進行倫理消費統整教學活動之實施等。
For developing talents who are expected to solve the problems human are facing in the globalized society. The national standard of high school curriculums published in 2006 indicates that students should understand 8 key issues of the modern worlds, including life education, sex equity, human right, environment sustainability, multi-culture appearance, and consumer protection. The issues are close to modern living and environment, are relative to each other, and thus are complex. Conventional lecture is usually a model of teacher-class teaching. The wall of classrooms cut off the inter-disturbance between teaching activities of various disciplines. Presently, senior high school education depends on disciplinary teaching. Knowledge of various disciplines likes puzzles for students. Curriculum integration is a suitable method for students to finish the puzzles and thus to learn the complete knowledge. Integrated thematic instruction is a strategy for curriculum integration and is a topical subject between teachers. The instruction emphasizes the cooperation between teachers for improving the disadvantages of conventional lecture. Teachers cooperate to research and to design curriculum student-oriented and close to life. The cooperation can improve teaching quality, andbe a possible way to implement the new curriculums of 2006. Recently, Ethical Consumption becomes a fashion topical subject which emphasizes the introspection of the responsibility of personal consumption. The concept agrees with the cores of the new curriculums of 2006 and the issues are relative to the perspectives including globalization, international trade, and enterprise culture. Thus, the topical subject could be suitable to be discussed in the activities of integrated thematic instruction. This thesis integrates teachers of several disciplines and refers to the literatures to design an integrated thematic instruction of Ethical Consumption. The findings show that the teaching activities are an efficient way to reach the teaching purposes and are a good experience of teaching benefits teacher and student alike. The research only focuses on the second grade of senior high school. For learning more about integrated thematic instruction, the teaching model shall be suggested to spread to other grades and other schools including secondary and elementary schools.



主題統整教學, 行動研究, 倫理消費, Integrated thematic instruction, Action research, Ethical Consumption





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