

本研究旨在探討綜合高中餐飲服務學程學生之學習行為,為達本研究之研究目的,首先透過文獻探討,建立研究的整體架構,繼而發展「綜合高中餐飲服務學程學生學習行為之研究」調查問卷,進行資料的蒐集。 本研究以臺灣地區公私立綜合高中餐飲服務學程學生為母群體,以叢集抽樣方式抽取12所學校為調查對象,實施施測獲得有效樣本共640份,有效回收率達83.0%。經統計分析可以歸納以下幾項結論: 一、綜合高中餐飲學程學生有正向的學習動機、學習態度、學習態度等學習行為。其中女生學生在學習行為整體表現上顯著高於男生。 二、選擇學程動機為「自己的興趣」的學生之綜合高中餐飲服務學程學生,在學習行為整體表現優於「同學的影響」者。 三、學業成績為「80分以上」的綜合高中餐飲服務學程學生,在學習行為整體表現上優於「60分~69分」者。 四、進路規劃為繼續「升學」的學生在學習行為整體表現上優於「就業」者。 五、家庭社經地位為「高社經地位」之綜合高中餐飲服務學程學生,在學習行為整體表現上優於「中社經地位」、「低社經地位」者。 六、學校屬性為「私立」之綜合高中餐飲服務學程學生,在學習行為整體表現上優於「公立」者。 最後針對研究發現與結論,分別就相關主管行政機關、學校、教師、家長及後續研究者提出建議事項,俾供參考。 關鍵字:綜合高中,餐飲服務學程,學習行為
This study aimed to explore the influence caused by the learning behavior of the comprehensive high school students in Food Service Program. To achieve this study, literature review were firstly applied to establish the overall framework of this study. A questionnaire method was used to collect data. The instrument – “the study of the learning behavior of the comprehensive high school students” was developed and carried out. The population (the main study group) were the food service students of the public and private comprehensive schools in Taiwan. 12 schools were selected by the stratified random and cluster sampling survey method. Through the survey, 640 reliable samples were gotten. The valid rate was up to 83.0 %. After statistics analysis, the major results were concluded as follows. 1. The effect of Food Service Program Students' learning behavior shows tendency to be positive. Of the Food Service Program Students, the female students have significantly better performance on learning behavior than the male ones. 2. The students who chose the Food Service Program out of their own interest perform better than those who follow their peers' opinion. 3. The learning behavior performance of the students whose academic achievement is above 80 is superior to that of the students whose academic achievement is between 60 to 69. 4. Students who plan to pursue further study, have better performance on learning behavior than those who plan to take up an occupation. 5. The students of higher social economic condition have better performance than those who are of the middle class and the low one. 6. Students in private schools perform better than those in public school. Finally, certain conclusions and suggestions for students, teachers, schools, educational administration authorities, and further study were presented and proposed. Key word:comprehensive high school , Food Service Program , learning behavior



綜合高中, 餐飲服務學程, 學習行為, comprehensive high school, Food Service Program, learning behavior





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