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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
本先驅研究之主要目的是以改變階段模式之觀點瞭解學童家長及學童 的蔬果攝取行為及其二者間的關係。於1998年9月以北縣某國小184組父子或母子 為研究對象,採問卷調查的方式收集資料,研究結果發現學童家長之蔬果攝取行 為大都已進入行動期,比其他研究發現其對象以居準備期者眾優良。學童家長水 果之攝取行為對學童水果攝取行為有顯著影響,但家長蔬菜之攝取行為對學童蔬 菜之攝取行為沒有顯著影響;障礙因素對學童家長蔬果攝取行為有顯著的影響作 用。
The purpose of this pilot study was to provide evidence for applying the stage-of-changeapproach to understanding fruit and vegetable intake between schoolchildren and theirparents. 184 pairs schoolchildren and their parents in one elementary school of Taipeicountry were selected by random cluster sampling as subjects and completed thequestionnaire. The data was collected in September 1998. Major finding were as follow : ( 1 ) Most samples were in the action stages . ( 2 ) The relationship on the stage of change forfruit intake between schoolchildren and their parents was significantly. ( 3 ) The relationshipon the stage of change for vegetable intake between schoolchildren and their parents was notsignificantly.( 4 )The barrier toward fruit and vegetable intake could explain the parents' fruitand vegetable intake.
The purpose of this pilot study was to provide evidence for applying the stage-of-changeapproach to understanding fruit and vegetable intake between schoolchildren and theirparents. 184 pairs schoolchildren and their parents in one elementary school of Taipeicountry were selected by random cluster sampling as subjects and completed thequestionnaire. The data was collected in September 1998. Major finding were as follow : ( 1 ) Most samples were in the action stages . ( 2 ) The relationship on the stage of change forfruit intake between schoolchildren and their parents was significantly. ( 3 ) The relationshipon the stage of change for vegetable intake between schoolchildren and their parents was notsignificantly.( 4 )The barrier toward fruit and vegetable intake could explain the parents' fruitand vegetable intake.