英國Brick Lane創意觀光:從台灣觀光客看旅遊實踐

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英國東倫敦的Brick Lane最初是移民潮的聚集地,從十七世紀起的胡格諾教徒、愛爾蘭移民、被迫害的猶太人、到二十世紀印度孟加拉人移民佔大宗,隨著多元族群的紮根,此區也從貧困破敗的邊緣地區,隨著1990年代開始復興運動的發起、節慶的聚焦、文學作品《磚巷》(Brick Lane)帶動文學及電影觀光,Brick Lane迅速發展成享譽盛名的國際景點,吸引了更多投資客、藝術家、創意階級的進駐,但同時也造成土地仕紳化的現象,房價上漲排擠原居民居住的權利。如今,全球化為Brick Lane帶來更多觀光人潮,而同樣具有多元文化背景的台灣社會,對於Brick Lane會有什麼想像、凝視視角又會有什麼異同之處? 本論文將從台灣觀光客的角度探討Brick Lane此一具多元文化及混種(hybridity)元素的觀光地景,分為三個層面:一、在全球化的脈絡下,Brick Lane在英國觀光的景點建構為何?將回顧Brick Lane的歷史背景,歷經文學及電影觀光的發展及族裔特色,並加入純正性的討論,爬梳學者對於Brick Lane所做過的研究;二、將整理台灣的導覽書及部落格網站資料,分析台灣是如何中介Brick Lane此一觀光景點,建構出觀光客對於Brick Lane景點的想像與凝視;三、藉由深度訪談造訪Brick Lane的台灣觀光客,探討其旅遊目的地的動機及吸引力,描繪出台灣觀光客遊Brick Lane的旅遊實踐。
Located in East London, Brick Lane has been home to successive waves of immigrants over centuries. These included the Huguenot refugees from the late 1600s, Irish immigrants, to Jewish refugees. Today, Bangladeshi immigrant is the highest population in Brick Lane. From the 1990s, Brick Lane has been through a series of redevelopments and gained publicity via festival and event planning, or through movie and literature works, which have branded Brick Lane as a popular international tourist attraction, drawing tons of investors, creative class and tourists to the East End, while this can also lead to serious gentrification. Today, globalization brings lots of tourists to Brick Lane, and Taiwan itself as a multicultural society, how will Taiwanese tourists imagine about Brick Lane? How do they gaze at this distinctive tourist attraction? This study attempts to explore Brick Lane as a multicultural tourist attraction and landscape with hybridity elements, as well as Taiwanese tourists’ gaze toward the destination. The research is divided into three parts: First, based on the historical literature review regarding how the image of Brick Lane can be reproduced via film and literature, and how its official tourism profile is shaped by the authority concerned in the UK. Secondly, travel guidebooks published in Taiwan and in the UK and blogs will be used to analyze how the image of Brick Lane can be mediated through different sorts of mediums, and affect tourists’ assumption and imagination toward the place. Third, by interviewing Taiwanese tourist who had visited Brick Lane, this study also looks to analyze and discover Taiwanese tourists’ practice and motivation to visit Brick Lane.



Brick Lane, 觀光凝視, 景點建構與純正性, 文化與創意觀光, 導覽中介, 旅遊實踐, Brick Lane, tourist gaze, destination-making and authenticity, cultural and creative tourism, guidebook mediation, tourist practice





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