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本研究基於 1987年解嚴以來臺灣語言教育政策形成及內涵的好奇,以文獻分析的方式,從社會語言學及多元文化的語言教育的角度,探討臺灣語言教育政策的內容以及主要的影響因素,並針對研究結果提出建議,期使對未來語言教育政策的制定與相關研究有所裨益。
首先,在理論基礎部分主要以社會語言學的實踐價值為起點,多元文化教育的基本概念,進而說明語言規劃的方向及其可行的途徑-雙語教育(族群語言教育與英語教育)。並以臺灣境內語言發展為軸線,探討臺灣解嚴後的語言政策,以及全球社會的語言趨勢,藉由臺灣族群語言與全球語言的發展,具體呈現多元語言社會的發展。臺灣語言教育政策的內容應包括學校語言教育、外語育、 海外華語文育、移民語言教育等,本文基於時間與能力的限制,以學校語言教育為主軸,探討在臺灣語言教育政策的主要作為與影響,希望藉由文獻中的資料,為臺灣語言教育政策的決定、組織、語言選擇及規劃勾勒一些動態的形貌。
Abstract This study is based on a curiosity about the language education policy and its background after Taiwan’s liberalization in 1987. Suggestions based on the study results are made with an aim to providing some references for any future language policy and other relevant researches. Theoretically, I begin by analyzing the value of social linguistics and the concept of multi-cultural education. I then explain the target of the language development plan as well as the possibility of bilingual education (mother tongue and English). Tracing language development in Taiwan, I tried to collect more information on Taiwan’s language policy after the liberalization, together with the global language development trend. After Taiwan’s liberalization, language education in schools, foreign language education, overseas Chinese education and immigrant language education have become the main themes of Taiwan’s language education policy. With limited time and capability, I can only focus on the segment of language education in schools, to analyze the contribution and influence of Taiwan’s language education policy. The information in the documents is expected to present a dynamic feature of Taiwan’s language education policy including the determining factors, organization, language choices and planning. This study has divided Taiwan’s language education policy into two stages with two significant elements: Stage 1: 1987-2000, multi-dimensional rapid development; stage 2: 2001-present, stabilized, in-depth development. Finally, based on the study results, I make some suggestions for those who are in charge of language education policy designation, language choice, and those social revolutionists, hopefully to enhance the language education in Taiwan.
Abstract This study is based on a curiosity about the language education policy and its background after Taiwan’s liberalization in 1987. Suggestions based on the study results are made with an aim to providing some references for any future language policy and other relevant researches. Theoretically, I begin by analyzing the value of social linguistics and the concept of multi-cultural education. I then explain the target of the language development plan as well as the possibility of bilingual education (mother tongue and English). Tracing language development in Taiwan, I tried to collect more information on Taiwan’s language policy after the liberalization, together with the global language development trend. After Taiwan’s liberalization, language education in schools, foreign language education, overseas Chinese education and immigrant language education have become the main themes of Taiwan’s language education policy. With limited time and capability, I can only focus on the segment of language education in schools, to analyze the contribution and influence of Taiwan’s language education policy. The information in the documents is expected to present a dynamic feature of Taiwan’s language education policy including the determining factors, organization, language choices and planning. This study has divided Taiwan’s language education policy into two stages with two significant elements: Stage 1: 1987-2000, multi-dimensional rapid development; stage 2: 2001-present, stabilized, in-depth development. Finally, based on the study results, I make some suggestions for those who are in charge of language education policy designation, language choice, and those social revolutionists, hopefully to enhance the language education in Taiwan.
語言政策, 語言教育, 母語教育, 多元文化教育