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數位時代的快速革新不斷影響資訊傳遞與接收的方式,品牌與消費者之間的互動模式亦趨多元,而在廣大的社群媒體類型中,Instagram強調視覺展現的特性使其在社群行銷領域佔有一席之地,更在推出商家廣告服務後,從提供無償參與的社群媒體平台,逐步轉為結合電商銷售的平台。因此本研究以Instagram社群媒體平台作為研究背景,採2(廣告格式:圖像vs.影片)x 2(廣告版位:動態消息vs. Reels)x 2(廣告個人化程度:個人化vs.非個人化)的三因子組間實驗設計,探討三者在消費者觀看Instagram贊助廣告後,對消費者產生的廣告效果影響。本研究結果證實:(1)影片相較於圖像廣告格式更能引發消費者較佳之廣告注意力;(2)Reels相較於動態消息廣告版位更能引發消費者較佳之廣告注意力與廣告態度以及購買意願;(3)Instagram個人化廣告相較於非個人化廣告更能引發消費者較佳之廣告注意力與購買意願;(4)當觀看Reels廣告時,相較於圖像廣告格式,影片廣告格式更能引起消費者較佳之廣告態度與購買意願;(5)當Reels廣告版位搭配影片廣告格式時,相較於非個人化廣告,使用個人化廣告文案標語會引發消費者較佳的廣告注意力。
The rapid innovation in the digital age affects how people send and receive information continuously, and the interaction modes between brands and consumers also turn more diverse. Among various social media, with the feature that emphasizes visual presentation, Instagram makes it more popular in social marketing. After the launch of merchant advertising services, Instagram gradually transforms from a social media platform that provides free participation to a platform with a combination of e-commerce sales.Based on the features of Instagram mentioned above, this study aims to take Instagram as the research background, adopting a two (advertising format: image vs. video) x two (advertisement placement: feed vs. Reels) x (advertising personalization degree: personalized vs. non-personalized) three-factor between-subject experimental design to explore the effect of the three factors on consumers' advertising effects after watching Instagram sponsored advertisements. The results of this study showed that: (1) Compared with image advertising, videos advertising generated more favorable advertising attention in consumers; (2) compared with advertising placement, Reels stimulated better advertising attention, attitude, and purchase intention in consumers; (3) compared with non-personalized advertisements, Instagram personalized advertising stimulated better advertising attention and purchase intentions in consumers; (4) when viewing Reels advertising, compared with image advertising, the video advertising stimulated better advertising attitude and purchase intention in consumers; (5) when Reels advertising matches the video advertising, compared with non-personalized advertising, the use of personalized advertising stimulated better advertising attention in consumers.



Instagram, 贊助廣告, 廣告格式, 廣告版位, 個人化, 自我參照, 社群媒體, 廣告效果, Instagram, sponsored advertisements, advertising format, advertisement placement, personalization, self-reference, social media, advertising effect





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