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漢語是時態(aspect)突顯的語言,語法手段是使用時態標記表示時態,如「了」表示完成;「著」表示持續;「過」表示經驗,這是現代漢語時態範疇之形式表現方式。 根據Freed(1979)的研究,英語中有一類動詞,如” begin, start, continue, keep, stop” 等12個,稱為動貌詞,因為本身為動詞,故又稱時態動詞。這些時態動詞後面帶有指涉事件動詞作為其補語,並將事件分割為時間片段:開始、持續、時段、重複、中斷、完成。且含有語義預設,表示談論的對象原來與現在的狀態不同。本文認為漢語跟英語一樣,也有時態動詞。 故本文分析語料庫語料,找出漢語時態動詞與其語義類別,以時間基模表現時態動詞指涉事件的內在時間,並分析搭配動詞之類型。此外,時相亦能表現動詞的起始、持續與終止,有時能共現,本文將進一步分析兩者之間的區別,與共現的意涵。 最後,我們檢視現行對外漢語教材對於時態、時相與時態動詞的介紹,並提出教學建議。
Mandarin is a language which is prominent in aspect, and use aspectual particles to indicate the aspect, such as “le ” to indicate perfective, “zhe” to indicate continuity , and “guo” to indicate experience. There are Mandarin aspect categories. According to Freed (1979:38) there are 12 verbs in the English language , such as begin, start, continue, keep, stop and so on that are aspectualizer, also called aspectual verbs. Theese aspectual verbs take sentential complements, and the events are segmented: onset, beginning, continuation, duration, repetition, cessation, or completion of activities or events. The sentences that contain aspectual verbs could indicate the presupposition that the situation is different from before. As in English, there are aspectual verbs in Mandarin. Therefore, we analyze the corpus to find the aspectual verbs in Mandarin and place them into semantic subgroups. We use the time schema to indicate the time of the internal temporal structure of events, and analyze what types of verbs most often placed with them. In addition, the phase also could indicate the inchoative, durative and terminal situation, and sometimes the aspectual verbs and phases could co-occur. This paper will further analyze the difference between phases and aspectual verbs and, when they do co-occur the underlying meaning. Finally, we examine the aspect, phase and aspectual verbs of the textbooks for Foreign Students' Mandarin Studies, and propose teaching method.



時態, 時態動詞, 時制, 時相, 時間基模, 預設, aspect, aspectual verbs, tense, phase, time schema, presupposition





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