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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
研究旨在審視網路支援的電腦教學軟體對學習者概念發展、問題解決和學習遷移的影響,同時使用量的和質的資料蒐集方法,來對愛荷華州立大學選修大氣科學概論的大學生進行研究。量的研究成果顯示,比較三組(實驗甲組-使用電腦模擬具有「回顧先前學習行為」功能、實驗乙組-使用電腦模擬不具有「回顧先前學習行為」功能、以及控制組-不使用電腦模擬)後測成績和即時天氣預報的成績,都沒有達到統計的顯著水準(P<0.05)。然而,後續的晤談發現本研究所設計的電腦模擬,其擬真情境(authentic situations)、多重表徵(multiple representations)及「回顧先前學習行為」功能(the capability of reviewing previous actions)有助於具有解題技能的學生獨自學習科學概論。能擅用圖表資訊和「回顧先前學習行為」功能的學生,可以成功的完成伴隨「氣流過山與成雲降水模擬」的兩個問題導向學習活動,並且對電腦模擬軟體的內蘊概念有所理解。然而,對於無法擅用電腦模擬軟體所提供的資訊者,則難以獨自地完成學習活動。因此,多重表徵雖可輔助學習者建構知識,但是學習者需能在不同表徵間尋找關聯性,才可能深入瞭解新學習的科學概念。根據Gooth and Galbraith(1996)的三階段解題模式分析晤談資料,發現只有一位受訪者具備所有解題階段的特徵,此位首訪者亦展示如何將所學應用到新的學習情境,(Reno的及時天氣預報),其他四位受訪者則需要教師的協助,來發展解題技能,才可能受益於「氣流過山與成雲降水模擬」所設計的學習環境。
The purpose of this research was to study the effects of selected characteristics of a web-aided instructional simulation on students' conceptual development, problem solving and transfer. A two-pronged research study was conducted using students enrolled in a beginning meteorology course at Iowa State University. For the experimental design, the performances of three groups ("using a simulation with-log" group, "using a simulation without-log group" and "control" group) were compared on posttest scores and a weather forecasting activity. No statistically significant differences (PO.05) were found between the groups on these measures. However, follow-up interview data obtained from five diverse students in the treatment group showed that the simulation with authentic situations, multiple representations, and the capability of reviewing previous actions supported science learning. For the student who was able to readily take advantage of the information contained in the log and graphs, the simulation exercises were quickly completed and a sufficient understanding of the concept was developed to transfer the newly-gained knowledge to a new situation. For others the simulation was less effective. Although multiple representations can be used by the students to construct knowledge, those who make connections between representations can get better understandings of the simulated phenomena. According to Goos's and Galbraith's model of problem solving (1996), only one interviewee had the features of all three stages. This student also demonstrated a better understanding of how to transfer newly gained knowledge to weather forecast exercises. The other four interviewees, who did not have the features of all stages, need teachers' facilitation to build their problem-solving skills in order to make optimal learning using the instructional simulation developed by this study.
The purpose of this research was to study the effects of selected characteristics of a web-aided instructional simulation on students' conceptual development, problem solving and transfer. A two-pronged research study was conducted using students enrolled in a beginning meteorology course at Iowa State University. For the experimental design, the performances of three groups ("using a simulation with-log" group, "using a simulation without-log group" and "control" group) were compared on posttest scores and a weather forecasting activity. No statistically significant differences (PO.05) were found between the groups on these measures. However, follow-up interview data obtained from five diverse students in the treatment group showed that the simulation with authentic situations, multiple representations, and the capability of reviewing previous actions supported science learning. For the student who was able to readily take advantage of the information contained in the log and graphs, the simulation exercises were quickly completed and a sufficient understanding of the concept was developed to transfer the newly-gained knowledge to a new situation. For others the simulation was less effective. Although multiple representations can be used by the students to construct knowledge, those who make connections between representations can get better understandings of the simulated phenomena. According to Goos's and Galbraith's model of problem solving (1996), only one interviewee had the features of all three stages. This student also demonstrated a better understanding of how to transfer newly gained knowledge to weather forecast exercises. The other four interviewees, who did not have the features of all stages, need teachers' facilitation to build their problem-solving skills in order to make optimal learning using the instructional simulation developed by this study.