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本研究以發現式取向輔以量化統計檢定,探索運用繪本療癒性空間,提升親職化兒童對生活的察覺力和情緒的掌握度,增進困境中自我與人際關係。研究概念共分四部分:第一部份是釐清親職化研究參與學童自我概念與人我關係;第二部分運用四分之一技術,引導親職化學童釐清主訴議題;第三部分是運用繪本,擴大親職化研究參與學童的情感經驗;最後第四部分,則是引導親職化研究參與學童從人際資源中,探索可行的解決策略和支持對象。 本研究參與對象包含兩組中年級團體和兩位個別輔導學童,合計共9位學童全程參與。研究分析包含:活動歷程中親職化學童自我概念標籤之特質與轉變、師生互動語意分析、繪本療癒歷程,以及學童人際需求分析。 研究結果發現,親職化兒童在自我概念上分為自我情緒面、自我功能面和自我認知面等三大面向。經過四分之一技術引導,研究參與學童在自我形象認知、自我學業認知、自我正向情緒和自我勞務功能面上達顯著差異。學童在繪本過渡性空間中經歷情緒投射、角色投射、替位思考、展現真我、產生動力之歷程,並感受到正向陪伴、安定自我、產生替代經驗之感受,對於在困境中之求助更有動力,也願意將改變持續運用在日常中。最後,本研究提出了一項運用書目療法於客體關係理論治療的可行性操作,期望能夠讓書目療法更適切的運用於關係議題的治療輔導中。
This study focused on psychological processing in parentified children through bibliotherapy. This dissertation presents an overview of etiologic, unfavourable factors and early detection of parentified child, and discusses the role of teachers' beliefs and conceptions on this issue as well. To present the process in an illustrative way, this dissertation examines the child's changes while participating in bibliotherapy through a discovery-oriented research approach, and further discusses the possibility of applying these strategies in bibliotherapy activity. Based on the discovery-oriented, 9 intermediate grade students were recruited from four public elementary schools in Taipei and New Taipei City, Taiwan. The research results show that three major aspects of parentified children's self-concept are: emotion, function, and cognitive. There were significant positive changes after Quarter technique intervention through bibliography. Students gained confidence in recognizing their own needs and had reduced relationship stress. In general, results support the effectiveness of using Quarter technique in bibliotherapy. Solutions were also clarified in bibliotherapy activities which included; seeking the relationship of company, assistance, encouragement, support, and self-expression, self-regulation, self-stress relief. Observations of their relationship seeking behaviour indicate that parentified children use both family and social resources to deal with their emotional issues, and tend to use external social resources for functional and cognitive needs. In the healing process, children's psychological processes include: a sense of company, stability, alternative Objective relationship experience, and would like to use picture books to create sense of security.



親職化, 客體關係, 書目療法, 繪本療癒, 過渡性空間, Parentification, Bibliotherapy, Object Relations Theory, Picture Book Healing, Transitional Space





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