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摘要 費蘭為20世紀西班牙作曲家,其音樂作品風格多少受到19世紀作曲家阿爾班尼士(Isaac Albéniz, 1860-1909)、葛拉納多斯(Enrique Granados, 1867-1916)與法雅(Manuel de Falla, 1876-1946)三位寫作之影響。費蘭音樂作品中,除了可聽見強烈的西班牙音樂民族色彩與浪漫性格,其甜美的旋律及縝密的音樂織度,似如浪漫樂派舒曼(Robert Schumann, 1810-1856)、蕭邦(Frédéric Chopin, 1810-1849)細膩寫作之風貌。值得一提的是,費蘭的音樂作品寫作也大量取材特殊結構的和絃、西班牙民俗音樂的節奏以及吉他語彙風格的轉化等,均是西班牙音樂獨特的寫作曲風。 費蘭《魔法森林》雙簧管協奏曲在臺灣僅演出四場,加上國內外書籍及期刊也未有出版此曲相關研究文獻,故研究者特此在演出此曲前加以蒐集資料,來進一步分析及探討如何正確詮釋,以貼近作曲者之創作理念及樂曲表現。
Abstract Ferrer Ferran was Spanish composer in the 20th century, whose music style was somewhat influenced by the 19th-century composers, including Isaac Albéniz (1860-1909), Enrique Granados (1867-1916), and Manuel de Falla (1876-1946). The music works of Ferrer Ferran not only reveal strong ethnic characteristics and romantic characters of Spanish music but the sweet melody and dense texture also express the look of the Romanticism in Robert Schuman (1810-1956) and exquisitecomposition by Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849). It is worth to be mentioned that Ferrer Ferran adopt enormous chords with special structure, tempo of Spanish folk music and the transition of guitar style for the composition of music works, which are all unique composition style of Spanish music. The Oboe Concerto for “El Bosque Mágico” of Ferrer Ferran will only be performed four times in Taiwan, while there have not been any domestic or foreign books and journals that have published research related to this composition. Hence the researcher has collected data prior to the performance of this composition, thereby to further analyze and discuss how to correctly interpret the piece for proximity to the philosophy of creation and music presentation of the composer.



魔法森林, 費雷爾‧費蘭, 雙簧管, El Bosque Mágico, Ferrer Ferran, Oboe





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