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本研究嘗試結合華語遠距教學 (使用AdobeConnect視訊會議系統)及線上華語影片輔助學習平台(ChineseVid),編制一套能同時達到量產及個人化目的之模組化教學設計,並以ChineseVid平台所提供之華語流行歌曲作為學習內容。筆者安排了國立台灣師範大學華語文教學研究所的7名研究生教師與新加坡國立大學高級華文班的10名華語學習者進行了15小時的教學實驗。學生端先於課前藉由平台之協助觀賞影片,再透過遠距平台與華語線上教師互動以增加開口練習的機會;教師端則使用可大量複製的教學模板,針對每位學生的需求加以改寫以達個人化的教學目的,並根據教學成果對師資培育提出反饋。 筆者透過行動研究法(Action Research)詳細記錄教學之設計與執行,藉由教學錄影觀察、師生問卷調查、教師訪談等方式對研究的每個環節進行反思。研究結果顯示,整體而言,本模組化教學設計獲得學生相當高的評價,特別是一對一的教學環境深受學生喜愛,學生的詞彙、語法、口語表達能力在互動後都有一定程度的提升;就師資培育的角度而言,本次教學也提供了研究生教師許多自我反思及同儕學習的機會。 根據本次執行教學之經驗,筆者也針對模組化教學設計與執行提出以下之改進方案:一、提高師生參與教學之意願,以增進教學之流暢性;二、安排師生於課前進行互動,共同選擇學習內容、制定學習目標、釐清學習需求;三、分工專業化,同時強化教學各工作環節之聯繫;四、教學成果評估應以「師生共同制定之學習目標」為評比項目,透過教師自評、他評以及師生反饋等方式多角度進行,對線上師資培育有更好的效果。
This study explores a modularized teaching design of Chinese songs conducted via the video conferencing system (AdobeConnect) using materials provided on the self-access Chinese learning platform-ChineseVid. A 15-hour-teaching-experiment was carried out involving 7 student-teachers from the Department of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language of National Taiwan Normal University and 10 students from the Chinese class of National University of Singapore. Learners first watched selected clips of the songs online via ChineseVid and then interacted with online teachers, one-on-one, for further practice and knowledge. A reproducible teaching template was given to the online teachers as the teaching material. Revisions of the teaching material were then made by the teachers to meet individualized goals of the students. The assessment for teaching performance in this study also made great contributions to teacher education. This experiment was carried out through action research. All processes during the design and implementation phases were recorded in detail. Data collected were reviews of recorded online classes, teacher/student surveys and interviews. Overall, one-on-one modularized teaching was well received by students and improvements in vocabulary, grammar, and spoken Chinese were found after the interaction. Online teachers were also provided with opportunities for self-reflection and learning from peers. Findings of the experiment further suggest that further improvement could be made to the design and implementation of the model of the modularized teaching: 1) Willingness of participation of both students and teachers should be enhanced. 2) Teachers and students should collaborate before the course in order to establish the learning goals, clarify learning needs and determine learning materials. 3) The work needed to create the teaching material online should be divided according to different teachers’ specialization while maintaining connections between all segments of the teaching material production process. 4) To enhance the impact of modularized teaching in teacher training, the assessment of teaching performance should be based on the achievement of learning goals as determined by the learners and teachers. Such an assessment could be carried out by self-evaluation, peer evaluation, survey of student feedback.



遠距教學, 模組化教學, 華語輔助學習平台, 華語歌曲教學, 師資培育, Distance Education, Modularized Teaching, Assisted Chinese Learning Platform, Teaching Chinese Songs, Teacher Education





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