

本研究旨在探討創意教學方案之實施成效與教師創意教學能力成長之歷程。由研究者自編國中綜合活動領域創意教學方案,歷經四個主題14週的創意實驗教學,採質性研究作歷程分析,輔以「威廉斯創造性思考活動」量表等研究工具,以驗證實驗教學增進國中生在創造力方面表現之成效,最後歸納研究結果及教學經驗,作為日後推廣創意教學及改進國中綜合活動領域教學之參考。本研究之主要目的如下: 一、發展國中綜合活動學習領域創意教學方案,並分析其可行性。 二、探討創意教學方案對國中生創造力表現的影響。 三、分析教師創意教學能力成長的歷程。 本研究之實驗教學部份,選取台北市立叮噹國民中學七年級一班40位學生為對象,於民國93學年度進行教學。方案實施期間針對學生表現進行質性分析,經過實驗教學後,並量化分析學生的「威廉斯創造性思考活動」量表之前後測成績,以相依樣本 t 檢定,以考驗教學成效。本研究主要發現如下: 一、實施創意教學後,學生在「威廉斯創造性思考活動」量表之創造力的各項表現造成影響,在總分,以及流暢力、開放性、獨創力、精密力各項分數皆獲得提升,且能將所習得的知識轉化、活用、提升解決問題能力,並應用創造力於日常生活當中,驗證了創造力之可教性。 二、透過創意教學,實驗組學生在課堂的參與度、團隊合作情形、作品的創意度,皆獲得提升。學生產生學習遷移,將習得之創造力運用在其他科目的學習與作品製作。 三、教師從開始接觸創意、參與創意教學工作坊、設計創意教學方案到實行方案這段歷程中,在設計創意課程、運用創意教學技法與策略等方面之能力獲得提升,並且養成反思習慣之能力。
This research aims to: (1) develop creative instruction curriculum in integrative activities of junior high school, to examine the effectiveness and the feasibility of the program; (2) investigate the influence of the curriculum for junior high school student's on the ability of creativity; (3) analyse the development course of teacher's creative instruction ability. This study goes 14 weeks of four themes. It is analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative approach. This research is qualitative rather than quantitative. Forty subjects of this study are the 7th grade students of a high school. Williams Creativity Assessment Packet (CAP)-Test of Divergent Thinking is employed, before and after the course, to quantitatively measure students’ creativity change. Observation and document analysis are applied to analyze the processes of the changes of student creativity. The major findings are as followings: 1.After creative instruction program, students gain the abilities in fluency, opening, originality and elaboration. They also improve problem solving ability and creativity application in daily life. It proves creativity can be taught. 2.Through the program, students improve the participation in class, team cooperation, and creative degree of the works. 3.Through the creative instruction workshop, the researcher develops the ability of the creative instruction curriculum design, the effective teaching strategies, and the habit of reflection. Finally, according to the results of this study, there are some suggestions for school teachers and further researchers.



創造力, 創意教學, 創意教學策略, creativity, creative teaching, creative teaching strategy





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