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本研究旨在探究目前臺北市國小輔導工作現場輔導資源於人力在不足以應付所面對的輔導需求狀況下,因認輔制度使得學校得以運用社區中的組織與人力協助學校推動輔導校務。而經由培訓的認輔志工如何協助學校輔導工作推展?而學校與認輔志工雙方的合作方式與困難為何?雙方對彼此的期待是否又有所不同?研究者從生態系統觀詮釋探討學校與認輔志工兩微視系統對於目前國小輔導工作、認輔制度的看法與雙方合作現況。 本研究採用質性研究取向,研究場域先以電話普查全臺北市公私立152所小學,以瞭解目前臺北市國小運用認輔志工現況,最後以運用最多學校的行政區為主研究場域在由此場域中,立意取樣選取五所國小為本研究個案。主要透過深度訪談方式蒐集資料,將其訪談資料謄寫逐字稿後整理並予以分析,分別就兩微視系統對於輔導工作困境、認輔制度、及合作關係做為主要的研究結論,結論敘述: 壹、兩微視系統認為目前國小輔導工作所面臨的工作困境 一、人力資源「量」與「質」上的需求 二、輔導單位與教師間,對輔導認知與工作服務上的期待落差 三、學生輔導問題的轉變 貳、兩微視系統對於認輔制度的看法 一、認輔制度的主要精神--為學童建立擴展家庭系統外的鷹架角色 二、推動認輔制度於運作上的困難兩微系統各有不同觀點學校輔導行政人員認為(一)認輔制度的相關規範較含糊,各校的解讀和作法差異很大;(二)教師們被動參與認輔工作;(三)認輔時間上的不足;(四)認輔制度僅是一鼓勵性質的制度,未能有計劃性提升認輔教師的輔導知能;(五)家庭系統配合度不夠,影響輔導成效。而認輔志工認為認輔工作上的困難:(一)認輔組織間成員想法相異;(二)行政人員異動頻繁若與行政人員想法不同,會影響認輔工作延續性;(三)認輔志工與輔導單位的想法與期待的不同;(四)一般教師,仍不了解認輔志工工作內容。 參、兩微視系統間的關係為夥伴合作關係 因每個個案學校推動認輔方式與時間長短不同,每個個案皆各別提出可增進合作成效的方式。本研究,邀請受訪者以自評分數,針對彼此對於合作關係滿意程度以1-10分評分,1分為最不滿意,10分為最滿意,為雙方合作滿意度評分。並請雙方,對其合作方式用一句最可以代表關係的詞句做一關係上的詮釋。學校對於認輔志工皆給以滿分;認輔志工對學校7-9分不等。而各校對彼此詮釋於用字各有所不同但意義上相近。 並根據研究結論提出本研究建議。
This study aims to explore the application of guidance system in Taipei elementary schools, in the context of insufficiency of personnel in the field, by using the support from the organization and human resources in the community to meet the demands of counseling services. In which way the trained guidance volunteers provide support to school counseling services? What are the difficulties encountered in the cooperation by the schools and guidance volunteers? Is there any difference between the expectations from both sides.The research aims to explore from ecological systems perspective the schools and guidance volunteers as two micro- systems, and to collect their opinions in the counseling work, the guidance volunteer program and the current status of cooperation between each other. This study is qualitative research orientated, firstly conducted a telephone survey in 152 Taipei public and private elementary schools as the field of study, to understand the current status of the application of guidance volunteer program, then narrowed down the field of study to the districts applying the most the program, and finally sampled five schools to roll out the study. The collection of data is mainly through in depth interviews, the data is transcribed to verbatim draft after finishing the interview, and analyzed respectively the two micro-systems for difficulties in the counseling work, the application of guidance program, and the partnership between the two mirco-systems to come up with conclusion of the study. The conclusions are described as below: Ι. Two micro-systems assume that the current difficulties of guidance work in elementary schools are: First, the demand of "volume" and "quality" of human resources. Second, the gap of expectation in terms of perception of guidance and service level between the direction of counseling service and the teacher. Third, the evolution of students ' guidance issues. II. Two micro-systems’ point-of-view toward guidance program 【Ι】Key concept of guidance program – the school plays a role of scaffold as an extension of family system . 【II】Different views in operational difficulties in promoting guidance program, School counseling executives believe that: (a) relevant regulations of guidance system are vague, the interpretation and the practices of schools vary a lot;(b) passive participation of teachers;(c) insufficient investment of time in guidance work;(d)guidance program is rather an advocacy, there is no systematic enhancement of knowledge and skills for the teachers;(e)insufficient support from family system, the effectiveness of guidance work is compromised. Difficulties encountered by the guidance volunteer: (a)different recognition among members of the auxiliary organizations;(b)frequent change of administrative personnel compromises the continuity of guidance work; (c)gap of recognition and expectation between guidance volunteer and school counseling unit;(d) teachers in general are not familiar with the guidance volunteer work. III. Partnership between two micro-systems Because of the difference in terms of period of time and approach of applying guidance program, each school in the case study give different opinions to improve the effectiveness of cooperation. This study invited interviewees to self-evaluate the satisfaction of the cooperation between the two parties by rating from 1 to 10, rating1 is the most dissatisfied, rating 10 is the most satisfied.The interviewees are also invited to provide a brief description the most representative of the cooperation between the two parties. All the schools in this study gave rating 10 to the guidance volunteers; while the volunteers gave rating 7 to 9 to the schools. And the descriptions are different in wording but similar in meaning. IV. Difficulties of the partnership between the two micro-systems The service ethic of volunteers to be deepened, service ethics to be strengthened. And to present the proposal based on the findings of the study.



生態系統, 認輔制度, 認輔志工, 學校輔導工作, ecological systems, guidance system, guidance volunteer, school counseling services





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