
dc.description.abstract【中文摘要】 本研究以台北都會區的發展為背景,探討郊區新社區的發展脈絡,並以台北都會區新店市安坑地區為例,瞭解安坑地區住宅空間形成因素,如都市化、房屋市場背景及都市計畫的實施,導致安坑地區住宅蓬勃發展的關鍵因子,如交通建設,易達性的提高與人口集居規模逐漸擴增等。透過問卷訪查,驗證住宅郊區化形成之機制,影響社區居民遷移之主要因素、社區生活空間、社會關係及環境品質等。依據區內地理空間特性,劃分母體為三區:太平區、新和區及公崙區,以比較方式分析三區及全區居民對生活空間及環境品質之看法: 一. 影響社區居民遷移之主要因素,由問卷調查得知由他地移入安坑地區者比例高達九成以上;遷入者的來源地,以台灣北部地區81.22%比例最高;其原居地之縣市別,依序為台北縣 (51.71%)、台北市(22.95%);顯見本區大台北都會區居民的遷移地且來源地,集中而明顯。其遷出動機依序為購買新屋(29.58%)、尋找較好的生活環境(23.94%)及結婚因素(11.01%)等。而遷入動機依序為房價或房租較便宜(24.73%)、購買新屋(23.75%)及尋找較好的生活環境(17.86%)。可見安坑地區的遷入者在決定遷移時所考量因素以房屋、環境及家庭因素為主。 二. 生活空間分析方面,三個分區在交通方面都有迫切改善的需求。工作通勤網絡分析,三個分區皆以縣外通勤的臺北市比例最高,其次為居住地區附近工作,太平區和公崙區以新店市為其次,新和區以中和、板橋為其次。購物、教育、醫療等機能有相當程度須仰賴更高一級的中地的趨勢,太平區和公崙區有仰賴新店市和台北市的情形;新和區有仰賴中和南勢角和台北市的趨勢。社會關係網絡方面,鄰居的熟識程度、參與社區活動的次數、參與社區活動的類型等方面而言,除了安坑地區傳統舊公寓外,三區的差異並不大,多半屬於有組織的住宅社區,透過社區內舉辦的活動之參與以增加彼此熟識程度。 三. 關於生活網絡的滿意度方面,受訪居民在上班通勤、購物、教育、醫療等方面,不滿意程度較高於滿意;休閒活動網絡滿意度方面,整體而言滿意程度遠高於不滿意,但三個區域產生區域差異,太平區因位於碧潭風景區內,故對於休閒活動空間滿意程度較高。新和區的滿意度是三個區域中最低,因本區腹地狹小,住宅密度較高,綠地空間較為不足是主因。公崙區的滿意度超過五成,大型住宅社區內休閒空間充足,社區外又有安康森林公園、安康蝶蝴館及規畫興建中的二叭子植物園等,故整體而言,休閒活動空間較為充足,居民的滿意程度為三區之冠。 四. 環境品質滿意度方面,受訪居民在環境安寧、空氣品質、治安情況方面,滿意程度高於不滿意;對外交通易達性、停車空間、郵政設施等方面,不滿意程度較高。在整體環境品質的滿意程度上,受訪居民的滿意程度高於不滿意。三個分區有區域差異,新和區環境品質滿意程度在三區中最低;公崙區的環境品質滿意度是三個分區中最高的區域,更進一步由各里和滿意度的交叉分析,可發現大型住宅社區的里民,較之區內其他各里之里民,其滿意度較高。 五. 至於再遷移的傾向分析,全體受訪居民在短期內並無遷移他地的想法達83.15%,可見本地居民遷移傾向並不高;若以遷移傾向和環境品質滿意度做交叉分析比較,太平區的不滿意及非常不滿意合計達25.23%,而遷移傾向為18.68%;新和區的環境品質不滿意及非常不滿意達35.23%,遷移傾向為26.42%;公崙區的環境品質不滿意及非常不滿意達12.97%,遷移傾向為12.03%;由此可見新和區是三區之中,不滿意環境品質者最多,想搬家者也最多,皆超過1/4的比例;而公崙區則是較穩定的,僅1/10強的人想搬家,不過其環境品質仍有改善之必要。 關鍵字:郊區化、住宅區、人口遷移、生活空間、安坑zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe formation of new suburban communities& the satisfaction analysis of their residents-A case of Taipei metropolis, Ankeng Sindin city. 【ABSTRACT】 This research is a study of a new suburban community, Ankeng, and its development in the area of Taipei metropolis, Sindien, based on its developing background. In order to understand the elements of the formation of a residential space, such as urbanization, marketing background of housing, and the practice of urban planning that result in a prosperous developed residential area with traffic construction, convenience, increasing population, we take Ankeng as an example. From sample measures, it is proved that functions of a residential community such as living space, social relationship, quality of the environment effect the decision of migration. According to its geographic situation and space, we divide Ankeng into three sectors: Taiping, Sinhe, Gongren. 1. The main factors that influence the residents moving: more than 90 percent of its residents are from other parts of the country. 81.22 percent of the new comers are from north Taiwan (51.71 percent of them are from Taipei county, and 22.95 percent are from Taipei city). The motivations of moving out of Ankeng are buying new houses (29.58%), searching for better living environment (23.94%), and marriage (11.01%). The motivations of moving to Ankeng are because of lower price of the housing (24.73%), buying new houses (23.75%), and searching for better living environment (17.86%). The above three reasons are mean motivations of migration. Obviously, Ankeng residents are the source of Taipei metropolis and vice versa. 2. The analysis of living space: the three sectors mentioned above have urgent needs in traffic improvement. The number of commuters between the three sectors to Taipei city occupies the highest ratio, followed by to the near-by areas: the residents of Taiping and Gongren areas commute to Sindian city, and the residents of Sinhe and Ghongho areas to Changhe and Bangcho. To get a better function of shopping, education, medical quality, the residents of Ankeng go to the higher class areas: Taiping and Grongren depend on Sindian city and Taipei city. Sinhe depends on Changho city, Nansusciao and Taipei city. On the aspect of social relation net, the degree of familiarity between neighbors, times of participating in community activities, and the kinds of activities are similar among the three sectors except the old residential apartment in Ankeng. 3. On the aspect of satisfaction with living net: the residents show the degree of dissatisfaction is higher than that of satisfaction with traffic, shopping, education, and medication. About leisure activities, the degree of satisfaction is higher than that of dissatisfaction. Among the three sectors, there are regional differences. Residents in Taipian have high satisfaction with the space of leisure activities because it is located in Pi-Tang scenic spot. Residents in Sinhe have lower satisfaction because it occupies less territory, less green land, but higher density of housing. The satisfaction of Gongren is over 50 percent because it has affluent leisure space and Ankeng forest park, butterfly museum, Ru-ba-tsu plant garden. On the whole, it is the best area among the three sectors. 4. On environment quality: the degree of satisfaction is higher than that of dissatisfaction with quietness of environment, air quality, and security. Dissatisfaction is higher than satisfaction with traffic availability toward outside, parking space, and mail system. General speaking, the satisfaction is higher than dissatisfaction with environment quality. There are regional differences among the three sectors: Sinhe is the least, Gongren is the best in environment quality. And from further cross analysis, we can see that the people who live in a larger community get higher sactisfaction than those in smaller ones. 5. For the analysis of remigration tendency: 83.15 percent of the interviewees have no plan to move out of Ankeng in the near future. So it is easy to see the willingness of moving out is not high. If we make a cross analysis between moving tendency and environment quality, the degree of dissatisfaction and strong dissatisfaction is 25.23% for Tai-Ping and out-moving tendency is 18.68 percent; Sinhe reaches 35.23% and 26.42%; Gongren reaches 12.97% and 12.03%. From above statistics, we can see that the residents of Sinhe are the most dissatisfactory ones with their environment quality and want to move out, both over 1/4. Gongren is most stable: only 1/10 residents want to move out, but it is still necessary to improve the quality of its environment.en_US
dc.titleThe formation of new suburban communities& the satisfaction analysis of their residents-A case of Taipei metropolis, Ankeng Sindin city.en_US


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