數位教材之教學呈現與個人學習風格對軟體操作教學學習成效之研究 - 以Producer 軟體操作教學為例

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數位學習與適性化學習是新時代的學習趨勢,學習基本軟體工具為跨入數位學習的基本門檻,教材透過不同的教學呈現可以達到適性化學習的目的。因此,本研究的目的在探討學習軟體操作過程中,不同學習風格與不同教學呈現之數位教材,對學習者的學習成效是否有所影響。本研究以Felder-Silverman Learning Style Model分類學習風格,採準實驗研究法進行教學實驗,設計傳統圖文式、示範影片式、與導入平行教學理論(PI theory)的雙欄示範影片式,利用三組不同教學呈現來處理「Producer軟體操作教學」教材單元,並以63位大學部非資訊學門學生為測試對象,採隨機分組進行短時間的自學課程,並於學習後進行評量測驗。研究結果經統計分析後,主要發現包括:(1)不同教學呈現對於學習成效有影響:學習者使用雙欄示範影片式的數位教材之學習成效較使用傳統圖文的數位教材為高;(2)不同學習風格對於學習成效有影響:「活躍思考均衡型」學習者較「偏活躍型」的學習者,在利用數位教材學習軟體操作上有較高的學習成效;而「偏感悟型」學習者較「偏直覺型」的學習者在利用數位教材學習軟體操作上有較高的學習成效;(3)不同教學呈現與不同學習風格之交互作用,對於滿意度與喜好度有顯著差異。根據以上結果,建議未來製作軟體操作教學教材可以利用雙欄方式呈現,並應考慮學習風格與適性化教學。
E-learning and adaptive-learning are the learning trends in the new era. Learning to use authoring tools is the basic requirement for e-learning. And different instructional representations to meet the users with different learning styles could be the solution for adaptive-learning. This study aims to explore if learning styles and instructional representations affect learning outcome of learning Producer, one of the popular authoring tools. This study is a quasi-experimental design, using Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire based on Felder - Silverman Learning Style Model to determine the different learning styles of the learners. The content chosen in this study is to teach college students for online presentation design by Microsoft Producer for PowerPoint 2003 software. There are three learning materials of different instructional representations designed as the treatment, one is represented by texts and graphics, the second one is represented by video demonstration, and the third one of which is implementing PI theory is represented by dual-column with one being video demonstration. The subjects in this study consist of 63 college students in non-information technology or science related fields. The main results of this study are shown as follows: 1. Different instructional representations have influence on learning outcome of learning authoring tools: using learning materials represented by dual-column with one being video demonstration has significantly higher learning outcome than by texts and graphics. 2. Different learning styles have influence on learning outcome of learning authoring tools: Active-and-Reflective well-balanced learners have significantly higher learning outcome than Active learners; Sensing learners have significantly higher learning outcome than Intuitive learners. 3. The interaction of different learning styles and different instructional representations has influence on learning satisfication and preference.



學習風格, 教學呈現, 平行教學理論, learning styles, instructional representations, PI Theory





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