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今日網路盛行,全球化的腳步越來越快,人們平日接觸各式中英文等不同語言混排文本的機會也大為提高,中英混排文本已然成為國內視覺文化的一部分。但國內外相關研究仍多著重於純英文或純中文編排,中英混排之研究成果較為匱乏,遂引發本研究探索合適的中英混合編排方式與因素設定之動機。本研究目的為探討中英混排內文之不同閱讀方向、英文字體大小、字體襯線與閱讀速度、閱讀舒適性之間的關係,共計九十二位20至30歲的學生參與實驗研究,以自行製作之閱讀紙卡作為實驗樣本。採用2x4 x2一個相依兩個獨立之實驗設計,針對三個自變數製作16組樣本:閱讀方向(直排與橫排)、四個英文字體大小(與中文字體大小相同、較中文大一級、大二級以及大三級)與字體襯線(有、無)之不同組合,兩個應變數,分別為:閱讀速度與閱讀舒適性。每位學生閱讀四份樣本文章,閱讀順序皆採亂數排序。本研究採用侯純純與林品章(2011)設計的「華文編排設計閱讀舒適性評量表」評量學生之閱讀舒適性,並記錄學生閱讀每份樣本文章所花費之時間,以評測其閱讀速度。 實驗結果顯示,在閱讀速度方面,學生對於不同英文字體大小、字體襯線的中英混排內文與閱讀速度之間並無顯著差異,然其對於不同文字閱讀方向與閱讀速度之間具有顯著效果,橫書之閱讀速度較直書快。閱讀舒適性方面,不同英文字體大小的編排與閱讀舒適性之間具有顯著效果,受試者較偏好英文比中文大一級的編排,其次為英文與中文字體大小相同的編排,而英文比中文大三級被認為是閱讀舒適性最低的編排。而字體襯線與不同閱讀方向兩者,對於學生閱讀中英混排內文時的閱讀舒適性皆無顯著影響。本研究結果可供設計師在編排中英混排內文時作為參考,設計師可透過調整英文字體大小與編排方向來增進讀者閱讀中英混排內文時的閱讀效率與閱讀舒適性。
Under globalization, multi-language text becomes frequently assessable. Chinese-English mixing text is now a part of visual culture in our life. However, impact factors on reading speed and readability in Chinese-English mixing text are not well studied. The purpose of this research was to explore how the different reading directions, English type sizes, and the presence or absence of serifs impact reading speed and readability in Chinese-English mixing text. An experiment was set up that involved 92 students between 20 to 30 years old using self-designed printed copies as test materials. In the experiment, by Three way ANOVA, there were 16 text samples with different combinations of one within variation and two independent variations--reading directions (between, horizontal and vertical), four English type sizes (within, the point likely Chinese type size, one point bigger, two points bigger, and three points bigger than Chinese type size), and serif (between, serif and sanserif). Every student reading 4 text samples in randomly turns. To measure the readability, this study referenced the Reading Perception Scale made by Chun-Chun Hou and Pin-Chang Lin (2011). And counted the reading speed by recording how many times were taken to finish each text sample reading. The findings showed that there was no significant difference between the reading speed and Chinese-English mixing text with different English type sizes. Neither between the reading speed and serif. But it showed that there was significant difference between the reading speed and reading directions, horizontal text was read faster than vertical text. Furthermore, there was significant difference between the readability and different English type sizes when students reading Chinese-English mixing text. They prefer layout that English type sizes bigger one point than Chinese type sizes, minor prefer English type sizes and Chinese type sizes were the same, and they felt the worst readability when English type sizes bigger three point than Chinese type sizes. On the other hand, both serif and reading directions didn’t impact the readability significantly. The findings had implications for designers working on Chinese-English mixing text setting as findings suggested that by manipulating English type sizes and reading directions, reading speed and readability can be enhanced.



字體大小, 閱讀方向, 閱讀速度, 閱讀舒適性, 襯線, Type size, Reading direction, Reading speed, Readability, Serif





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